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[requested] @HatersGonaHate12

next week is homecoming and i don't have a date. i could go by myself but that's kinda lame, or i could go with my friends but they have their dates. i've been wanting to go to homecoming with my best friend, hyunjin. however, he seems like he has his eyes on someone else already

the other day, we were laying on my bed discussing our day and what we wanted to do for homecoming. hyunjin started telling me his plan on how he's going to ask out this person to be his date. knowing him, the person is most likely julie. when hyunjin first got here, he thought julie was the prettiest girl he has ever seen, but i'm not sure if he still likes her

the more i think about this, the sadder it'll get. as i'm walking through the hallways to get to class, i can see hyunjin talking to someone but i can't identify who it is because hyunjin's back is facing me and covering the shorter person

i walked closer to them only to see that the person hyunjin was covering turned out to be..changbin? that's weird, they rarely talk to each other outside of class. why are they talking?

suddenly, they hugged each other and i stared even more confused. then it hit me, was changbin the person hyunjin wanted to ask to homecoming? he's gay? interesting

later that day, hyunjin and i were walking home together. i kept thinking back to earlier that day when hyunjin and changbin hugged out of nowhere. "are you gay?"

"what?" hyunjin plastered a look of confusion onto his face

"earlier today i saw you talking to changbin and then you guys hugged. i'm not saying just because you hugged a guy it means that you're gay, but i found it unusual because y'all rarely talk outside of class and you probably don't even know his last name. so i started thinking if he was the person you wanted to ask out for homecoming, and he said yes, then y'all hug. something along the lines of."

hyunjin bursted out laughing at my rambling. i looked at him and he continued laughing

"dude no, you got it all wrong. we actually became good friends a while ago, i just never mentioned him because i didn't really think it was something important. earlier this morning, i was asking him if he could help me with asking out the girl i want to go to homecoming with and he said sure. spur of the moment, i hugged him, and surprisingly he hugged me back."

"oh...so what's your plan to ask julie out?"

"who said i wanted to go with julie?"

"no one. i just thought she was the one because you had like a huge crush on her or something"

he let out a scoff and said, "nah, there's another girl."

"really? who is it?" i asked smiling up at him. i don't wanna admit it, but it kinda hurts. it hurts to see the person you like not return those feelings. i didn't really want to hear the girl's name because it would just hurt even more, but the curiosity took over and i wanted to know.

"you'll see..." he mumbled as we finally reached my house. we hugged and i watched as hyunjin walked further away to go to his house. walking into my house, i walked into my room and immediately lied down on my bed trying not to be sad anymore. i hate being sad, it brings everything down

later that night, my mood was better than before but the lingering feeling of sadness is still in there somewhere. i got ready for bed and placed myself in a pile of warm blankets, hoping to fall asleep quickly and forget everything that has happened today. i didn't realize that i haven't been sleeping the entire time until i felt tears fall out of my eyes. i quickly wiped them away and closed my eyes as tight as possible, holding onto my blanket hoping to fall asleep

the next morning, i woke up and didn't feel like going to school. i slowly dragged myself out of bed to get ready for school, only to start rushing because i realized i was going to be late if i didn't hurry

when i got to school i saw people looking at me in the hallways. i hate being the center of attention so i quickly walked to class trying to avoid all eye contacts. the day went by with people looking at me, smiling at me, and some even tried talking to me. weird

i walked through the front entrance only to be stopped by changbin. "hey," he greeted, smiling at me

"hi..." i softly greeted him back

he took out a piece of paper and i opened it to see what was written in it


i looked back up at changbin only to see that he already ran off somewhere. what am i suppose to do with this?

i continued walking straight only to be stopped again by another kid from my class. "hi!" she greeted me

"hello..." i greeted back

she handed me a folded piece of paper, to which i opened it and see the word


"will you?" i mumbled to myself confused. i was starting to see what was going on so i decided to continue walking straight only to be stopped again. i was stopped by 4 more people until i put all the notes together to form


i looked up and saw hyunjin standing there holding a piece of paper that said: ME

"will you go to homecoming with me, ayzia?" he asked with a big smile on his face

i was so shock that it took me a while to reply to him. "i'd love to," i said smiling back at him

he handed me a flower and bent down to hug me tightly. i hugged him back and we stayed in that position for maybe the next few minutes

a/n: i have exams again next week :(( i feel like i have no time to do anything and time is passing by so quick. sigh.

i hope u like it. sry for the almost 2 months wait. it literally took me 3 days to write only this one imagine and i have like 4-5 others. i've been super busy (as i've said) for the past months but christmas break is almost coming up so i promise i'll have all of my requests done during break. pinky promise. :D

have a nice day/evening/afternoon/night wherever u r. stay healthy. <333

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