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[requested] @poutypig


chan's phone went off as he received a text message. i turned to look at him and saw him smiling and giggling at his phone

"who's that?" i asked him

"no one you need to know," chan mumbled

these past few days he's been ignoring me and has been glued to his phone all the time. what is it that has gained his undivided attention these days?

i gave him a small hum as a reply, then continued watching the tv when chan suddenly got up to go to the kitchen. he was stupid enough to leave his phone here. i heard the fridge opening so he's most likely getting something to drink. he received another text message but this time i can see heart emojis from where i'm sitting. i didn't want to do it, but i quietly reached over and started skimming the text messages. i looked at the contact name and low and behold, it was his ex girlfriend

chan's footsteps could be heard so i put the phone back and went back to watching tv pretending like nothing just happened. chan came back to grabbed his phone, then he started putting on his shoes. "where are you going?" i asked

"to the convenience store real quick. i want some snacks," chan replied as he grabbed his keys and wallet

"okay. stay safe," i softly replied. i know he wasn't going to the convenience store, instead he was going to meet up with his ex girlfriend

i waited for him to get out of the door then i started grabbing my things so i can follow him

i arrived at a cafe a few minutes after chan so nothing seem suspicious. i walked into the cafe and ordered a drink then i took a seat right behind chan (chan and y/n is sitting back to back while the ex is sitting in front of chan if that makes any sense). i sat there for awhile waiting to see if chan would say anything. after my drink was done, i grabbed it and went back to my seat. i had a mask on to cover the lower half of my face so i wasn't recognizable

just as i was about to take my first sip, chan started talking and if i knew what he was about to say, i'd rather have him not say anything at all

"y/n and i have been distant lately. i'm not sure why but i don't really care because then i can break up with her and get back with you again."

"that's good. if you don't love her anymore then just tell her, it's better to tell her now instead of playing with her feelings and leading her on." his ex girlfriend told him

"yea you're right. i'll go home now, i'll text you later. love you babe," he got up and kissed her on the lips but their lips were soon disconnected when he felt a slap on his face

chan looked up and saw me standing there with tears at the corner of my eyes. i wasn't planning to make a scene of some sort, but i just couldn't hold it in anymore

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" i asked him as i wiped the single trail of tears that escaped from my eyes

"if you wanted to break up with me so badly you could've just said so. i'd rather have you tell me that you don't love me anymore and go our separate ways than seeing you cheat on me behind my back only to find out it's with your ex."

i can see chan not really absorbing anything i'm saying into his mind but instead he's rolling his eyes and look like he can care less

"i hope you guys live happily ever after," i sarcastically mumbled as i walked out of the cafe with tears slowly trailing down my cheeks. i didn't want to get stares from people so i immediately wiped them away and then bring myself to go home

when i arrived home, i quickly ran upstairs and started throwing my clothes into a duffel bag. while doing so, i dialed up my best friend to see if she is willing to let me stay with her for a while

"hello?" she picked up after the third ring

"hey," i softly said while letting out a small smile hoping she wouldn't be able to hear how sad i am, but the voice crack didn't do any justice

"what's wrong?"

"can i stay at your place for a while? i'll explain when i get there."

"yea of course, hurry and be safe."

"thank you so much. bye." i ended the call after we said our goodbyes and quickly grabbed some final things and stuffed it into my bag

i walked downstairs and grabbed a pen and a piece of paper to write a note for chan once he gets home

hey. by the time you see this i'm most likely already gone and most likely won't come back. don't try looking for me, i'll be okay. though what you did really hurt me and i don't know how long this pain will last, i hope you're happy with her and i hope you guys find some joy with each other. thanks for everything. goodbye chan

- y/n

i put the piece of paper somewhere i know he would see it and then i grabbed my belongings. i opened the front door and before i left, i turned around and remembered the happy moments we had with each other in this place


i giggled maniacally when chan started tickling me on the couch

"stop! it tickles!"

"no, not until you give me the remote."

"neve-" i started wheezing and choking and chan immediately stopped tickling me and looked at me worriedly

"are you good?'" he asked as he handed me a water bottle

"yea, 100% healthy," i said giving him a thumbs up as i consumed the water bottle

[end of flashback]

i finally walked out of the door and locked it before i got into my car and drove away

i really thought i finally found my soulmate, but the world works in mysterious ways. chan may haven't been my happy ending, and i may have been deeply hurt, but someday i'll find a source of happiness in the place i'll least expect

a/n: oofie sorry i took longer than usual. i wasn't able to write yesterday because i had an essay to finish so i didn't have any time but i didn't have much homework today so 🤙🏼🤙🏼👊🏼

school sucks. and i hate it. and i'll never change my opinion about school no matter what. you can tell me anything and i will not change my mind. school sUCks tiTTIES and that's my story.

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