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requested —> @PotatoKpop

- fluff

- tw: none

03/08/21 editing me: edited out w**jin

felix and i were sitting in the park, hanging out and talking about random stuffs

we have been friends since i moved here almost 12 years now. i moved here when i was 5 and now i'm 16

it was hard trying to adapt to a new place, but felix helped me get through the awkward phase of not knowing anything about this town

being friends with felix is great and all, but sometimes i wonder what it could be like if we were more than friends

being best friends with a guy for the past 11 years would make me start having feelings

but i'm afraid to tell felix because it could ruin our long years of friendship

poof, 11 years turns into nothing

speaking of feelings, there's this other guy at my school who i have a small crush on


i don't know if it's wrong for me to like two people at the same time, but i can't help it since seungmin is a really nice guy that's also cute. there's not many of those types of people in the world

'dara' felix waved his hand in front of my face, trying to gain back my attention

i quickly went out of my thoughts and turned to face him

'what's wrong?' felix asked observing my confused face

'nothing. i'm fine' i replied while looking up at him

he looked at me for a bit, hesitating if he should ask again

just as he was about to say something, i heard a honk coming from behind us

i turned around to see hyunjin waiting for me in the car

'oh. he's here already. i guess i'll see you tomorrow then. bye felix, love ya' i hugged him and then got up and ran to hyunjin

'bye' felix waved back at me, watching me run

i got into the car and hyunjin drove us home

when we got home i immediately ran up to my bedroom and wrapped myself in blankets on my bed

i stayed in that position for a while until i heard a knock on my door

hyunjin poked his head inside and asked if i was alright

'yea. i'm just tired' i mumbled

he didn't buy it and walked into my room

he closed the door and went onto the bed, laying next to me

i hugged him and we just stayed like that for a while

'now do you wanna tell me what's wrong?' hyunjin asked again as he looked down at me

i gave him a long sigh and finally decided to tell him

'well, i think i have feelings for felix. but then i also kinda like this guy at my school. i don't know if i should ignore these feelings or actually do something about them. it's just hard ya know?'

'uh well, i don't really know' he said hesitantly

i looked at him and gave him a 'wtf' face

'but, i think you should tell felix about your feelings. to be honest, i trust him more than some random guy from your school plus i'm pretty sure felix has feelings for you too. i mean, have you seen the way he looks at you? child looks at you like he looks at changbin. smh kids these days'

i just kept quiet and nodded my head as he talked

'k. thanks for the tip' i said as he finished

'you welco-'

'now get out.' i said as i pushed him off my bed and out my door

'i'm gonna tell mom on you. oooouuuu you bad child' he said teasingly

'whatever' i said while closing my door

i laid down on my bed and ended up falling asleep after a while


the next day, felix texted me asking if i wanted to go to the amusement park

felixia: u wanna come to the amusement park with me today?

dara: sure. what time?

felixia: 7?

dara: k

i went along with my day until it was 6:30pm and i started getting ready

6:30pm: looks at the clock to see the time
6:32pm: is on phone
6:35pm: realizes 5 minutes passed
6:40pm: realizes 10 minutes passed
6:50pm: done with restroom necessities
6:53pm: picks out outfit
6:55pm: wears on outfit
7pm: *dInG dOnG*

i walked to the door as i was slipping on my shoes

when i opened it, felix was standing there while whistling and rocking on his heels back and forth

when he saw me, he smiled

'we're matching' was the first thing he said

i looked down at my outfit and then looked at his and realized that we are matching

felix lend his hand out and i gladly took it while closing the door

'coME AND LOCK THE DOOR HYUNJIN' i yelled as it was closing

i can hear him running down the stairs

as we were walking to the amusement park since it wasn't so far from here, felix held my hand

i didn't pull back since it felt comfortable

he looked down and i can see a small smile on his face

when we got to the amusement park, it was only 7:10. felix and i decided to play random games around the amusement park and eat tons of food

at 8pm, we decided to go on the ferris wheel since we heard that there was a firework show

when it started, felix and i were sitting at the top of the ferris wheel

we got the perfect view

i was admiring the fireworks but i didn't realize felix was admiring me instead

i turned my head to look at him and realized he was already starting at me

he quickly looked away, embarrassed that he was caught

'f-felix, i want to tell you something' i hesitantly said

'go ahead' he said looking at me again

'well, um i kinda like you for a while now' i mumbled quietly while fiddling with my fingers

felix was silent and i didn't know if he was gonna say something or just keep silent until this is over

'i'm sorry. forget what i sai-'

'i like you too' the words rushed out of his mouth

i looked up in shock

'sorry i took so long to say it. i thought you didn't feel the same way so if i would've said something then it could've ruined our friendship' he apologized while holding my hand

i just stared in his eyes and felix slowly started leaning in

he kissed me and i kissed him back

the kiss lasted for a while until he pulled back

we both smiled at each other and then i leaned my head into his shoulder as we watch the fireworks go off

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