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the boys and i were sitting in a circle on the floor. we were getting ready to play truth or dare

changbin started the game by asking felix 'truth or dare'

felix replied with 'truth'

hyunjin coughed into his mouth while murmuring 'coward'

'excuse me?' felix asked offended

'excused.' hyunjin retorted quickly

'if you could date anyone in this room right now, who would it be?' changbin interrupted the conversation between felix and hyunjin

'hmmm...changbin' felix replied after thinking about it

changbin got flustered and looked down at his laps while the boys were whistling and teasing them

it was jeongin's turn next and he decided to ask me 'truth or dare'

'truth' i replied without hesitance

'ok then. is there anyone you like in this room? if so, who?' jeongin asked me after thinking about his question for a while

i started getting nervous because of course there was someone i like in this room, i mean who wouldn't like someone in this room

'uhh yea' i replied quietly

'ooh who is it?' jeongin asked me again while the others looked at me intently

'uh um...' i said hesitantly

they continued anticipating for my response

'chan..' i said after a while because i know there was no point of me keeping it a secret anymore. they'll know sooner or later anyway

everyone was shock and looked at chan while chan continued to look at me, and i was looking down at my hands due to embarrassment

it got really quiet but then seungmin decided to break the silence and continue the game

the game went on for a while until most of the boys were starting to feel tired. i told them to go to bed and they ended up leaving me alone with chan since he doesn't sleep

'so um...' chan awkwardly said, trying to make it less awkward but it wasn't working because he's making it more awkward by being awkward

'i-i'm sorry. i know you probably don't like me back, and even if you do, you can't really date me because of the company and all-' i quickly said to him, but he cut me off

'i like you too' chan said, looking at me in the eyes

we looked at each other for a while until chan started giggling

'what?' i said to him

'it's just- uhm- would you like to be my girlfriend?' chan asked as he hold my hand in his

'sure i'd love that'

a/n: oof i'm so stressed

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