bye bye

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sorry for the disappearance once again. school has been so much lately

this is going to be my last chapter in this book. i'm not going to lie and be honest with u guys. i've been losing complete interest with this book.

not only am i losing interest in the book, i'm also losing interest in stray kids. i still support them and listen to their music now and then but i'm just not that into them anymore.

i know schoolwork isn't really an excuse for someone to keep disappearing and making promises to write and never do it. i'm genuinely sorry for everyone that requested but i never got to them.

i've been trying to write also but nothing really comes to mind tbh. i'm not happy with my writing and i've been trying to improve. for some reason my grades keep gradually decreasing in my writing class and it's not helping much with motivation. thanks ms ********

sorry again. i'll keep the book up, i won't delete it. i'll just end it here and mark it as completed.

thank you for all of the support and love you guys gave me and i truly appreciate them all and they make me so happy. i'm sorry again. if you're trying to request im sure there's some books out there that are currently taking requests and they write much better.

thank you, byebye 💞💞

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