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6 months into being pregnant and you'd think it gets easier


ever since i found out i was pregnant, chan was ecstatic. he was so happy i'm pretty sure he's more excited about this baby than i am

everywhere i go, he follows. it's been like that for the past 6 months. there was even a time i had to tell him to stop following me into the restroom when i have to go pee and after a few whines, he reluctantly listened

"chan! get your lazy ass up, and get me a water bottle!" i was watching the television and was too lazy to get up

"get it yourself hun! i'm busy here!" i heard him yelled back

"i'm pregnant with your child sir! you will get me that water bottle or i will fling this remote at you!"

i hear chan immediately opening the fridge door and closing it and a few seconds later he popped into view holding a water bottle

"thank you," i said nicely and quietly as i continued watching television

chan bent down to my stomach and started whispering things to it

"hey little guy, it's your father. your mother is being a pain right now, i just hope you won't turn out like- oW!" i pinched his ear not allowing him to talk any further

chan changed our positions so he's able to wrap his arms around me on the couch

"i love you so much," he mumbled with his face resting on the crook of my neck

"i love you too," i quietly said slowly closing my eyes to go to sleep

a/n: i hope this was what ur looking for

so abt that nct dream story thing i talked abt last ch

i have an idea so far but idk the entire thing yet. i guess i'll just publish it when it's ready to be published ¯\_()_/¯

shameless self promo: uhhh i was abt to rant on here until i remembered i made a rant book for a reason (dumb me) so if ur somehow fucking interested in what i have to say go see "y'all uglies" it's the book with the black background and white clouds

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