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[requested] - @felextra_trash

it was late at night and i was walking from the company all the way to my apartment. should i have taken a taxi? absolutely yes. did i? absolutely not.

suddenly remembering all of those missing people, murder cases, and true crimes i've seen on the news and social media, i picked up my pace because i started getting paranoid.

i started hearing footsteps behind me, so i quickened my pace even more. the faster i walked, the faster the footsteps caught up to me. i quickly texted my father my current address while i was starting to dash, telling him to call the police if i don't text him back within 10 minutes.

next thing i know, a hand harshly grabbed into my arm and halted me from running. i turned my head to the side to see a girl. she immediately asked me for directions on where to reach the closest mcdonald's. as i was moving around and using my hands to show directions, i felt a gun being pushed onto my lower back. i immediately froze up and stood there with wide eyes.

"now listen to me. as much as i hate to do this, i'm sorry but i have to. they were threatening to kill my family- my mom, my brother, my kids. i couldn't let that happen. i need you to just follow me like everything is normal. i don't know what they want with you, nor do i know what they'll do to you. i'm so sorry." the girl frighteningly whispered to me as tears strolled down her face.

i sighed and decided to follow her because i feel bad. she led me into a dark alleyway and there was a rusty door on the side when you turn left. she slowly pushed open the door and the first thing i noticed was the pungent odor coming from the room. it was incredibly dark and the thought of being kidnapped finally sank into me. i started hyperventilating due to the fact it felt like my throat was closing up and oxygen didn't exist anymore.

i was led into the dark, musty room and saw a group of guys sitting around on couches - some standing - and girls wearing very revealing clothing walking around the guys, getting their attention. they all turned to look at me once they noticed a newbie coming through the door. one of the men got up and walked over to me with a wide smirk on his face. he was tall, had very strong bone structure, dark slicked back hair, and very average green eyes, nothing too special.

"you must be anushka." he said as he gently caressed my cheeks with his very dry fingers. i continued staring at him trying my hardest to show no fear but he harshly grabbed my face into his hand and leaned his face very close to mines. "being the daughter of one of the richest man in the world doesn't always have its benefits, sweetheart."

i gulped suddenly being reminded about my father. my worries grew even more once i realized how worried and confused my father must be after receiving that text message from earlier. speaking of that text message, the police should be arriving any time soon. i hope.

"harlow! go grab the chair and ropes. we're gonna have some fun with this little one." the man chuckled as he starts pushing me to the other side of the room. the lady from earlier continued standing there trembling for her life. the man did a motion with his hands and next thing i know some guys pushed her outside and warned her not to tell anybody anything.

i was tied up in a chair with a lot of splinters poking at my bottom, causing me to squirm around quite uncomfortably. before anything could happen, the door suddenly burst open and a group of police officers identified themselves.

they arrested everyone that was in that room and a guy walked over to me to untie me from the chair. "i'm detective seo and we're going to get you out of here. i know it might be hard, but we need you to come down to the station and make a statement. is that alright with you?" he softly asked me as he released me from the chair.

"yea, anything to get those guys locked up." i replied as i was escorted outside to an ambulance so they can do some checkups, make sure i was okay and no major injury.

when we got to the station, my father was already there waiting for me. he let out tears of relief when he looked up and saw me walking through the door. the detectives interviewed me and we all went through the entire process of accusing, blaming, naming names with each other. fortunately, detective seo stayed by my side through the entire process and showed moral support. i'm not sure why, but i enjoy his presence and company.

i later found out he actually works for my father as well, making him closer than i thought. after the entire situation, changbin - which i later learned was his first name - constantly checked up on me to make sure i was okay. i told him that i was okay and they barely did anything to me, but he was a stubborn guy. we grew closer because of this and one thing led to another.

"do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"i'd like that."

a/n: netflix sucks ass. they're gonna take off 3 seasons of svu soon leaving only 1 season for ppl to watch. someone lend me their hulu acc now! >:(

i made changbin a detective bc i thot it was lowkey hot

i published this new story starring jaemin from en see tea called psycho and i'm really happy to write it. if you'd like pleathe go check it out it would make mi mucho content

i'll also be finishing all of my requests over christmas break as well. it started yesterday but i was finishing math hw yesterday to get it out of the way so :D

stay healthy. have a good morning/afternoon/evening/night 💕

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