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requested —> cryingahanriver

- fluff

- tw: none

i'm waiting for minho to come home from practice. today's valentine's day, and minho is still at practice with his members

i scrolled through my phone, looking at memes and acting like i have a social life when i actually don't

the front door opened and walked in minho

'hey babe' he said as he took off his shoes

'hi. what do you wanna do today?' i asked him as i turned off my phone

'i don't know...cuddle?' he suggested

i shrugged my shoulders, 'sure why not'

minho walked over to me and immediately tackled me onto the bed, and i let out a laugh

'today's valentine's day, you wanna do anything?' i asked him as i played with his hair

'it doesn't matter. i'll do whatever you want to' he said as he pulled me close to him even tighter

'let's sleep' i suggested and i can feel minho nodding his head

a few minutes passed by and i couldn't sleep, but minho on the other hand is passed out

i started playing with his fringes that were in his eyes, he slowly fluttered his eyes opened and looked at me

i smiled at him and softly said 'hey'

he smiled back and asked 'can't sleep?'

i nodded my head slightly, and minho immediately cuddled into me even more and rested his head on my shoulders, with his face in my hair

'i love you' he muttered. probably because he's about to pass out again

'i love you too' i said as i closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep as well

a/n: i'm sorry it took so long. i got caught up with school work and i met new friends today so i was busy interacting with other beings in this hopeless world

ok i gotta go to bed now. it's getting really late and i promised myself to go to bed early. bye bye

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