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[requested] @jeonpassion

it was getting late and y/n was cleaning up the dressing room and vanity table. all the boys have already left to go back to the dorm and most of the staff members went back home to their families.

as y/n was reorganizing the makeup products, she started thinking about the next hair color and style to do for jeongin. maybe denim blue hair, it's currently trending.

after she was done with everything, y/n turned off the lights and closed the door making sure it's locked so no intruders can come in. she started making her way towards the boys' dorm and immediately heard screaming and yells when she was nowhere near the front door yet.

y/n let out a small sigh and slightly smiled as she knocked on the door. a few seconds later, the door opened and in front of her was jeongin with a big smile on his face. "hi!" he giggled as he brought her into a hug.

"hello!" she greeted him back just as enthusiastically. the screaming from the other boys hasn't dialed down one bit ever since y/n got here.

they ended up laying on the couch and a movie was playing on the tv screen, yet no one was watching it. jeongin was twisting a strand of y/n's hair as he hugged her around the waist. y/n had her face stuffed into the crook of his neck. they were enjoying the quietness between the two of them even though the others were running around the dorm screaming.

their soft breath can be felt on one another as their eyes were slowly closing. their hearts are beating against one another's chest as they hugged each other even tighter. "i love you," jeongin mumbled before finally closing his eyes and falling asleep.

a/n: merry late christmas! happy new years! :D

it's only the first day of 2019 and i woke up with a fever oofie. sorry if it's not what u wanted im trying i swear. i only have tmr left and then i have to go back to school :( i haven't updated the past week even tho i promised i would bc i ended up going to houston to celebrate christmas with my family.

anyhoo, it's 2019 and cameron dallas got arrested for breaking someone's nose, justin bieber said sowwy to jojo for making fun of her car LMAOOO, and #jenkai (><)

what do u y'all think abt jennie and kai tho? idrc abt the entire thing tbh like they can date whoever they want it's not my place to involve myself or anything into their relationship but the amount of jokes i've made and heard with my friends coming from this news is HILARIOUS HAH

stan wayv!

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