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03/08/21 editing me: LMAO my cousin and him broke up </33

i was resting my head onto changbin's shoulder, while humming a tune

'y/n-ah, which hand has the coin?' changbin asked me as he showed me two fists

i picked my head up, and looked up at him for a second then looked back down at his hands

i thought for awhile until i chose the right fist

he opened it up and there was a coin in the middle of his palm. i was about to celebrate, but he opened up the other fist as well and there was a coin in that fist as well

i looked up at him and he just gave me a big smile while trying not to laugh

'i was about to yell in joy until you ruined it' i said to him as i grimaced

he chuckled and then continued playing with his hands

i put my head back onto his shoulder and closed my eyes

'y/n-ah' he said again

i opened up my eyes and looked down and saw two fists

i sighed before picking a hand. this time i chose the left one

he opened it up and there was no coin, i slightly pouted and then chose the other hand

he opened up that one as well, and there was also no coins

i lightly hit him on the shoulders as he laughed at my reaction

'geesh, i hate you' i said playfully, as i took the coin out of his hand and started playing with it

'i love you too' changbin said as he ruffled my hair and rested his head on top of mines

a/n: this was inspired by my cousin and her bf. my lonely arse was third-wheeling with them and he started messing with her and i just watched them. sad i must say.

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