
10.8K 241 43

- fluff(?), comfort

- tw: cursing

03/08/21 editing me: based off a true story. prob wrote this the same day it happened. her name is very close to lauraine.

i walked through the front door of the guys' apartment and took off my shoes and placed them by the door

i threw my backpack onto the couch and jumped on it, burying my face into the cushions

'ughhHHJJHAHHS' i complained into the cushion as i started hitting it lightly

changbin walked in and looked at me weirdly

'um...u okay there?' he asked uncertain

i immediately raised my head up, 'yea i'm fine' i said with a deadpan face

he walked to me and sat down on the couch and gently picked up my head and placed it on his lap

he started playing with my hair as he asked me what's wrong

'i hate school. i hate the teachers. i hate the classmates. i hate the work. i hate fake-bitches-who-just-uses-people-for-things-and-they-won't-stop-until-they-get-expose-but-even-if-they-do-get-expose-they-still-gonna-try-to-act-like-they-did-nothing-wrong-and-that-we-are-still-friends-'

'woah okay uh calm seem stressed' he said while patting my head

'ya think?' i asked while lifting my head up to look at him

'so who was it?' he asked placing my head on his lap again

'lauraine' i said her name with disgust

changbin let out a dramatic gasp, 'whAT? nO WAY!'

i copied his action and let out a dramatic gasp, 'yES! yeS WAY!'

'she wants to talk shit about me behind my back and then come back to me acting like we're friends. bitch nO'

'and then, she's so fucking desperate to become friends with me again. she even did my math hw. for the pAST TWO DAYS. i logged online to go do homework and i see that it's already done and i know it's her because she's the only one that knows my log in information for school-'

's'okay sweetie. s'okay'

i calmed down a bit as he patted my head and played with my hair. he leaned down to peck me on the cheek and when i looked up i saw him smiling

'you hungry?' we both asked at the same time

we chuckled at that and then got up to go to the kitchen

changbin and i both grabbed a pack of ramen each and we made some ramen together

as i was eating the ramen i suddenly blurted out 'i love you'

changbin looked up from his food with a shook expression

'wait. are u talking to me or the ramen?'

'the ramen silly...just kidding. i love you'

he smiled at that and said 'i love you' with ramen in his mouth

'ew' i said in disgust and he laughed

a/n: hey, call me back when u get this

i hit 2K on this book. thank you to my little group of friends. i appreciate it

i'm thinking abt making another imagine book for the boy band that debut last august, the rose. i wanted to know if u guys would be interested. (watch no one comments. imma laugh thru the screen)

have a good day/evening/afternoon/night.
i lob u.

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