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requested: @Kluni8

i was walking around the small clothing store when my friend came up to me

'hey minha, i think that boy over there is looking at you,' she said as she positioned me to look at the boy

i quickly tried to get out of her grasp and avoid eye contact so it wouldn't be awkward

'what was that for?' i asked her as i looked at the clothes

'sorry, i was trying to let you see him,' she apologized as she went back to the clothes as well

a few minutes later, we both walked out of the store and decided to go into the music store

i wanted to look at some albums and vinyls and my friend wanted to buy some cd cases

i was trying to reach all the way up to the top shelf but my hands could only reach to the second shelf. as i was trying to stand on my tip toes, a hand reached up to grab the vinyl for me

i looked up to see the same boy from earlier in the clothing store. i took it from him and said a thank you as i continued to look at more stuff

'so do you like listening to these kind of music?' he asked me trying to make conversations

'uhm sure i guess. my music taste depends on my mood to be honest but most of the time i listen to soft songs because it's always sad soft hours in my household,' i replied

'ahh that's cool. say would you like to ya know, hang out sometimes?' he awkwardly asked me as he started to mess around with the vinyls to avoid eye contact

'...sure,' i said after thinking for awhile

'really?' he asked me to make sure he wasn't thinking that

'yes, really,' i said giving him a smile

we exchanged phone numbers and a few days later we confirmed plans to hang out

a/n: hopefully this is what u wanted

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