Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
The Beginning

Kino, Wooseok and Kele arrived first at the group's meeting place. It's eight in the morning. The three of them stood in front of the closed ice cream shop waiting for Hongseok and his girlfriend, Hyunjoo.

Wooseok and Kele shared earphones while quietly listening to some music. Kino frowned and took out his own phone, checking Yuto's messages from last night.

wooseok?? in military??

is he kidding

we have to talk

see you guys in a few days!

yeah man. see you soon.
we're starting the roadtrip

Just as he was about to hide his phone again, a van honked at them twice. He looked up and found Hongseok smiling wide from inside and then there's Hyunjoo beside him who was smiling shyly at the three of them.

"About time these love birds show up." Wooseok said before approaching the van. He's the one who opened the door, letting in Kele first and then himself.

"Hey guys! Have you heard about this teddy bear farm in Sokcho?" Hongseok asked as soon as they all got in.

"Teddy bear farm?" Kino asked, leaning his back against the window.

Hongseok chuckled. "Yeah, Hyunjoo was looking for places we can visit there and she stumbled upon this teddy bear farm. Think we should check it out?"

Wooseok grinned. "Didn't know you're into teddy bears!"

"Hey, it might be a nice spot for pictures." Kele said.

"Exactly. What's better than a tea party with teddy bears?" Hongseok asked. Amusement clearly written on his face.

"Um... Hongseok?" Hyunjoo said in her small voice.


"Stop." She said and they looked at each other before laughing.

God, Kino thought. I'm gonna be stuck in a van full of lovers. Great. Real great.

Hongseok turned up the radio and soon enough, they were all enjoying the morning music before they picked up Changgu who (very) quietly hopped on the van. Right, Kino remembered his friend had just gone through a breakup. Not that he's glad about thatㅡbut, at least, he's not the only one who's not in a romantic relationship in this roadtrip.

Kino smiled at him and pat the spot next to him. "Changgu! Come here."

Changgu placed his guitar carefully in the corner and put his backpack on his lap. "I'm going to take a nap." He said.

"But you just woke upㅡ" Wooseok said before Hongseok cleared his throat and shook his head at him through the rearview mirror.

"I feel like I can't get enough sleep." Changgu said before closing his eyes. Everyone else looked at each other and shrugged before casting Changgu a worried look and going back to their own businesses.

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