Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

"So, if you didn't like human interaction, how did you manage fall in love?" Yeeun asked. She was walking on the sidewalk, having ice cream with Hyunjoo while they waited for Kele.

Hyunjoo smiled a bit shyly. "Oh, it was around this time. Summer..."

"Summer romances scare me."

"You and Kino are literally dating in summer."

"Exactly, my point."

Hyunjoo focused on her ice cream. "Yeah, well, it scared me too. Summer romances are all about falling too fast, falling too hard and sometimes, it changes you forever."

"Exactly. That's what I'm scared of. A high school crush I failed to get over with for yearsㅡwhat about this? It's different, you know. It's... falling in love knowing he might actually be falling for me too."

Hyunjoo smiled playfully. "Sure, he is. And sure, it is different."

Yeeun shook her head. "Back to you. How did you and Hongseok meet? I mean, besides being high school classmates and literally not caring about each other's existence?"

She chuckled. "Yeah, more like, I didn't really care about his existence."

"Don't let him hear you say that."

"It's not a secret." Hyunjoo said, "We often say we wish we knew each other in high school, but maybe it's just right that we met again that summer, you know."

"How did you meet again?"

"Apparently, you'll have more chances to meet the love of your life if you actually come out of your house sometimes."

Yeeun laughed as she continued.

"It was summer, like I said. Actually, we were kinda both on the run. I was feeling hella depressed about my life and I decided to branch out and explore."

"Reeeeaaaally? Like, you ran away from home?" Yeeun asked wide eyed.

Hyunjoo nodded. "Yeah, I did. And then, it's kinda funny. It was very hot and I was naive. I fainted at some point and woke up in Hongseok's van."

"He kidnapped you."

She laughed. "And then from there, things just went out of my control. He took me everywhere, made me experience things I've never done before." She said, smiling at the memories. She turned to Yeeun. "It's still the best summer of my life."

"He took you everywhere like you were close friends?"

"Yeah, I thought it was so nice of him to... help me experience the world."

"Nah, you didn't realize he was actually trying to steal your heart."

Hyunjoo bumped her shoulder against hers. "Not until... he made it clear."

Yeeun wiggled her eyebrows, grinning. "How did he make it clear?"

"You want your stories detailed, don't you?" she asked, smiling so wide. "Well, you know, at the age of 20ㅡwhen I met him again, I only wrote romance in books. I've never actually experienced it. We were talking one night and he just..." Her cheeks heated up, unable to continue.

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