Chapter 14

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Chapter 14
The House Party

"BUT WE'RE HAVING A BONFIRE TONIGHT!" Wooseok exclaimed in the middle of eating. They were discussing the invitation party of Kihyun.

"This is my fault, okay? I totally forgot about it. I'm sorry." Seunghee said.

Changgu was watching all of this quietly. Shinwon and Seunghee arguing again. Hyunjoo and Hongseok speaking in tones only the two of them could hear. Wooseok and Yuto talking about the bonfire and the party. Yeeun looking at Kino who was busying himself with food while having this scowl on his face. Kele on the phone texting.

And yetㅡhe misses Seungyeon in the midst of this chaos. If she was here, she would have come up with something funny to say to cool down everyone else. If she was here, he could have been having the summer of his life.

"So, is anybody actually gonna come to the party?" Wooseok asked making everyone quiet.

Yeeun let out a sigh. "I am."

Kino looked at her in disbelief but she wasn't looking at him anymore.

"I... I'll come with you." Hyunjoo said surprising everyone including Hongseok.

"Are you sure? You can just stay here with us." He told her, knowing his girlfriend didn't like parties.

She shook her head. "And let Yeeun go to that party alone?"

This time, Yeeun was looking at Hyunjoo in awe. She smiled slowly. "Thanks."

"Anyone else choosing the party over the bonfire?" Wooseok asked raising an eyebrow.

"Look, maybe it doesn't have to be this way. Maybe we can go to the party first just to show ourselvesㅡnot to be rude. And then we can go back here for the bonfire." Kele said.

The atmosphere was too tensed. If Seungyeon was hereㅡ"I'm going too." Changgu said surprising everyone more than Hyunjoo did. He needs to stop thinking about Seungyeon.

"Seriously?" Yuto asked.

He nodded. "Yeah."

Hongseok sighed. "Then, I'm coming with you. Guys, we have to follow Kele's plan."

"Right." Seunghee chimed in quickly, earning a disbelieving glance from Shinwon.

"What time is the party?" Yuto asked.

"Eight." Yeeun replied.

"Then we come back here around nineㅡor ten. Is that okay?"

Kino finally talked after clearing his throat. "I'll stay here. I'll, uh, set up the fire."

In the end, Shinwon, Kino and Wooseok stayed behind.


Yeeun sat on bed watching her friends shuffle inside the room as they prepare for the party. Kele sat in front of her, folding her legs. "You okay?" she asked.

"Is your brother bipolar?"

She chuckled. "What? No! Why?"

Yeeun ran her hands through her short hair. "I don't know what's wrong with him. He won't talk or even look at me. I thought everything went so well! I thought we were onto something, but then he acts as if I did something wrong."

"Wait, he's angry with you?" Kele asked.

"Maybe! I don't know!"

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