Chapter 10

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a/n: sorry for not updating last friday! i'll update 2 chapters today :)


Chapter 10
Premium Prize

Kele close-opened her hands towards the camera. “Aaahhh, my children, I miss you both!” She said to Yanan and Seungyeon on video call.

“What are you doing? Stop it.” Yeeun said half smiling, half frowning.

“What's this? You're still grumpy?” Yanan said to Yeeun. He is freaking blond. She almost didn't recognize him.

“What's with your hair?” Yeeun threw back.

Kele laughed. “Ah, why? It looks good on him!” She said.

“You look like an idol.” Seungyeon said.

“Ohㅡright, Seungyeonie, how's training?” Yanan asked, blushing by the compliments.

Seungyeon let out a heavy sigh. “It's so hard I feel like dying. Sometimes, I ask myself, if this is really what I want? Is it really worth it? But then, when I think about how I'm almost thereㅡI feel happy.” She ended with a smile.

“As long as you're happy, we'll be here supporting you.” Hyunjoo said.

“Right, you better get us free VIP tickets to your concert someday!” Yeeun said smiling.

Seungyeon grinned. “Of course! You guys are my confidence booster. By the way, how's the roadtrip going?” Her grin slowly faded.

Kele, Hyunjoo and Yeeun exchanged quick glances. “Again, againㅡyou're doing that girl code again.” Yanan said.

“It's... going.” Kele replied awkwardly.

“We're in Busan.” Hyunjoo said.

“Oh, Hyunjoo and Hongseok prepared a scavenger hunt game last night. It was so fun!” Yeeun said excitedly.

“The winning teams were Kino and Yeeun, then Yuto and Changㅡ” Seunghee bit her lip. “Yeeunie...” She said immediately, her eyes asking for help.

Seungyeon chuckled. “Guys, Changgu's name isn't banned in this world. You can mention him. I'm... okay.”

Everyone else quieted down, not knowing what to say.

Seungyeon spoke again, “How is he?” she asked slowly.

“Do you really want to know?” Yeeun asked.

Seungyeon sniffed then shook her head, looking away from the camera for a quick moment. “Noㅡnever mind. It's... better this way.”

“What about you? How are you really?” Kele asked softly.

Their friend's eyes were glassy as she spoke again, “I'll be fine. I just... have to get used to it. I... totally don't think about him at night! I totally don't... miss him. To...tally.” She said, each words slower than the previous one. Yeeun knew that her friend was lying.

There was a dead silence for a long while. Seungyeon covered her face with her hands. “Oh, Seungyeon.” Seunghee whispered.

How does it feel like to abandon love to pursue your dreams? It must be more painful than she's letting on. Seungyeon has always been a strong, tough girl. Back then, they cried because of some things life threw at themㅡbut Seungyeon held it in. She never cried in front of them unless it was a movie she was watching or a book she was reading. So, seeing her like this now somehow broke Yeeun's heart.

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