Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Yah! I think there's a problem with Yeeun and Kino. She's been calling me but when I picked up, the call was cut. Her voice sounded urgent too. What do we do?” Seunghee said to her friends. They were currently grilling meat by the beach.

“What if it's just girl emergency?” Shinwon asked.

Seunghee bit her lip. “No, it seems more than that.”

“Then, why isn't Kino calling?” Hongseok asked.

“Let's wait a bit longer. If they don't call again, we'll find them.” Yuto said.

“But Busan is big! How do we know where they are?” Seunghee asked worriedly. Shinwon gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Don't worry. We'll have their last connection traced.”


“Alright, how about we try to stop cars and ask for a lift  back downtown?” Kino asked as they make their way towards the van.

“Good idea. But we're just gonna leave the van here?”

“We'll have it towed later.”


He suddenly smiled mischievously. “Not without a little fun.” He said.

“What's on your mind again?”

He laughed, sitting at the edge of the van facing her. “The first person who manages to stop a car and get us a lift is the winner. The loser drinks eight shots of soju later.”

“ButㅡI'm not a goodㅡ”

“Drinker? That's the fun in it!” He said grinning, he twirled the tips of her short hair around his finger playfully and looked into her eyes. “You game?”

Yeeun rolled her eyes and smirked. “Oh, it's on. I'm pretty charming to people.” she said confidently, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Me, too!” Kino said defensively.

They stood several feet apart and the hitchhiking begins. Kino waved at the incoming car but it just ignored him. Yeeun laughed at his disappointed face.

“Okay! I'm gonna get my game on now!” He said, determined.

“May the worse drinker win!” Yeeun cheered. “Watch.” She said, running a hand through her short hair, exposing her neck. Kino swallowed.

“Y-Yah! W-What are you doing?” He asked.

Yeeun smiled her sweetest smile as the next car comes. The EDM song from it was blasting, but the driver still stops by her. A guy around their age pulls down the window. He's wearing shades and his hair was a disheveled bright red. He was oozing with coolness. “Hey, any problem here?” He shouts through the loud music.

Yeeun also shouted. “Hi! Perhaps, are you heading back in town?”

The man lowered the volume of the music, then asked again. “Sorry, what's that?”

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