Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Second Stop

Once the pairs who rode cable cars got back, the others who were left in the park have cleaned up and then the group proceeded to this teddy bear park that Hongseok and Hyunjoo were talking about. They took a lot of silly pictures.

The place wasn't that interesting. It might have been for little kids, but it was nice for picturesㅡas Kele said.

After the teddy bear park, Hongseok drove to their next stop where they would spend the night. Another hour of drive to Wonju, but this time everyone was so much more alive. Kino smiled, looking out the window as Hyunjoo turned up the radio and Seunghee, Wooseok and Kele were singing along to 93 Million Miles by Jason Mraz. Even Changgu was slightly nodding to the song.

"Oh my my, how beautiful... oh my beautiful mother she told me 'Son, in life you're gonna go far, if you do it right, you'll love where you aaaare!" They somehow sang together in chorus, slightly laughing. And then everyone stopped, but Seunghee went on. "Just know... that wherever you go, you can always come home~"

Kino turned just in time to see Yeeun smiling while slightly waving side to side along Seunghee. He thought she looked so genuinely happy. While on Changgu's side, there's Shinwon watching his girlfriend with so much fondness.

He wondered if he'll ever look at someone like that again.

"240 thousand miles from the moon, you've come a long way to belong here..." Yeeun looked at him with the same smile she had earlier. She was now clapping her hands and singing, urging him to sing too. Kino smiled coyly. Sucks to seem like the only one in the van who doesn't know the lyrics. However, he thought Yeeun's English pronounciation was so perfect.

When the song ended, the girls clapped for themselves excitedly. And then Kele started asking for food so they ate snacks.

By the gas station, Hongseok pulled over and while they waited for the tank to get full, Hyunjoo moved to the back to play cards with the girls. Well, the boys? They were just watching what the heck was going on. They were too excited that they burst out in short screams and crazy laughs. It actually felt... nice. Maybe it's true that friendship is healing, after all.

And at some part of the journey to their next stop, each of them slowly laid low and fell asleep.


When Kino woke up, the van had pulled into a stopㅡand he was alone inside. He stretched his limbs and tilted his head from side to side, then he looked out the window and found his friends setting up tents before the sun sets.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked to the boys who were in the middle of setting up the tents.

"We did." Wooseok replied, busying himself with another tent. "You were like, 'Oh yeah, I'm awake' but then the next second, you're snoring. Dude."

"I was snoring?" He asked in disbelief.

Shinwon grinned lazily. "He's just teasing you."

"But you did say that and fell back to sleep." Hongseok said.

Kino looked around the campground and took in the fresh air before rubbing his eyelids. The trees were so tall around them. "Let's talk about sleeping arrangement!" Kele said with a notebook in her hand.

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