Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

First Stop

Kino had no idea how the heck Hyunjoo managed to find a grilling spot in the park in Sokcho. They brought the three huge fishes they bought from the market. They've had it cleaned by the vendors.

At the moment, Shinwon was sprinkling seasonings on them and Seunghee was trying to keep the fire alive. Both of them seemed better when they came back from their own shopping.

Changgu was wearing his headphones and was lying underneath a tree as if he didn't have a care in the world. Kino sighed at the sight of him. He's just not used to Changgu as the gloomy one, but he decided to let him have his alone time.

Near Changgu, Wooseok and Kele were setting up the picnic area. Hongseok and Hyunjoo were taking picturesㅡtrying to be the cutest couple in the world. And then... there's Yeeun, taking out contents from her backpack. A lot of them areㅡPringles!

Kino's world seemed to lighten up a little as he approached her. "You brought Pringles!" He told her.

Yeeun smiled up at him. "Oh yeah. A trip isn't a trip without a can or twoㅡor ten." She said with a chuckle.

"Right," He replied sitting beside her. "I asked Kele to bring the ones from home but I don't think she did."

"Ah, forgetful Kele. How strange." She said the last word with sarcasm. He grinned. Yeeun grabbed one can of Pringles and held it out to him. "Here, take oneㅡor two. I brought five, anyway."

Kino accepted it with a coy smile. "Thanks. You're a saviorㅡlike, a Pringle savior." As soon as he said it, he realized how stupid it was and bit his lip trying not to laugh but Yeeun did. She let out a nice, short laugh.


"Sorry. I'm bad at words."

Yeeun chuckled. "No, you're not. And you're welcome."

"Would you look at that! Nice shot, love." Hongseok said. He's suddenly near them and he was looking at Hyunjoo's camera that was aimed to Kino and Yeeun.

Kino cleared his throat before getting up. "Is the food ready?" He asked.

"Not yet!" Shinwon replied.

Hyunjoo sat with Yeeun while Hongseok caught up with him. He grinned at Kino and wiggled his eyebrows ridiculously. "Seriously, bro, look at the picture. Your eyes are dazzling!" He said.

Kino frowned at his friend. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, reading Hyunjoo's books make me so descriptive in real life. Anyway, I wasn't kidding. Look." He said, showing off the picture his girlfriend had taken.

Yeeun's head was tilted back while laughing and he was grinning while watching her. It was a... pretty picture. "Um, it's interesting how green the grass here is." He said awkwardly.

Hongseok burst out laughing. "Uh-huh. Right." He said with a knowing smile.

"Go, bother Changgu instead of me! He's acting weird lately!" He said before marching off to join Kele and Wooseok who had been enjoying snacks by themselves.

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