Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Falling In Love

Kino just got home from Yeeun's place. He was lying down on his bed and he couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. He hugged his pillow tightly and kept smiling in the faint light of the lamp shade. As if that wasn't enough, he rolled over on his stomach and hit the bed with the pillow a few times. By the time he stopped, his heart was racing inside his chest.

He never thought he could feel that way again.


The next morning, he found Kele and Seunghee in the living room talking about something in a serious manner.

"So, what should we do to surprise her?" Kele asked.

"Can we wrap your brother in a gift box and send it to her?" Seunghee asked back.

"What? Like a stripper?" Kino chimed in, rubbing his eyelids.

"Ew!" Kele reacted, grimacing.

"Why are you guys talking about me?"

"We're not talking about you. It just so happens that... nevermind, we do." His sister replied.

"It's Yeeun's birthday soon. We wanna do something special for her because as you know, the girl's been away for years. We wanna show her that nothing changed in our friendship and nothing would ever change." Seunghee explained.

Kele raised an eyebrow. "Any ideas?"
Kino sat on the couch across them, thinking. Kele frowned. "At least, wash your face first. Aren't you a little ashamed in front of Seunghee?"

He blinked sleepily, ignoring his sister. "Sleepover."


"You should invite her in a sleepover. It's one of the things she wished she'd done with you guys. She'll be happy to do so."

Seunghee grinned. "Not bad, Kino!"

"So, when is it?" Kino asked.

"You're unbelievable. It's next week. Monday." Kele replied shaking her head. "Anyway, you can proceed on whatever you were suppose to do. We'll be planning the sleepover."

Kino grinned widely. "I have a date."


Yeeun took a shower this morning. After that, she went to study because her mom always said it's better to study in the morning as her mind was still fresh at that time. That's what she was doing until it was two hours away from her date with Kino. She closed her books and took out her red dress from her closet.

She looked at the mirror and remembered last night. A squeal escaped her lips. She covered her face and jumped around, fanning herself.

She began to prepare for the date. She sent a photo to the group chat and it was already buzzing before she could even put the phone down.

                     Red is really your color!!
                     Which means you look
                     super gorgeous!!!

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