Chapter 15

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Please reread chapter 14. The part after Changgu's scene ended. It was the missing content that I was fussing about. I only realized there were contents missing when I edited chapter 15. Sorry. And thank you.

Chapter 15
The Summer We Fell Apart

Yeeun and her friends have come back to the bonfire where Wooseok, Shinwon and Kino were drinking canned beers. Their eyes met and held each other's for a while before he drank and looked away. His cheeks were flushed red. How much had he drank?

Some of them were talking about the party when Changgu suddenly began strumming. He still looked so sad but he looked at Hongseok and smiled very slightly.

Hongseok cleared his throat. "Ah. Ah, vocal check. I'll sing for Hyunjoo." He said.

"Aye!" Wooseok cheered raising both his hands in their. He's such a hype man.

Hyunjoo's eyes were wide as she stared at Hongseok quizzically, but the latter just smiled at her and began singing.

I want to see things like
how you see them,
I want to follow
and match your footsteps,
Although I like us staying
together on good days,
I want to be by your side
more on the difficult days

Maybe it's Hongseok's beautiful singing voice or the lyrics of the song, but it was almost as if Yeeun could feel the atmosphere of the group getting lighter. Most has this faint smile on their faces, the others swayed on the melody. She closed her eyes and just listened to the song.

Rather than loving
as much as I'm loved,
I want to love you
without any measuring,
In this world that would
change in the very far future,
I wish we could be the same
as we are...

Hyunjoo was smiling so wide even though her cheeks were heating up. It's one of those feelings she gets all the timeㅡlike she's only falling deeper in love with Hongseok as time goes by.

Sometimes when your
heart is disappointed,
And you feel like
you want to leave me...

On her peripheral vision, she noticed Seunghee leaned her head on Shinwon's shoulder and wiped her tears secretly as those lines were sung.

Look at the days that passed
If you see joy and laughter,
All those days I was with you,
On the future days too,
Let's walk together

When I call you with my low voice,
If you smile to me,
I'll like that too...

Yeeun opened her eyes and she immediately clapped her hands. As she did, she caught Kino's glance again and to her surprise, he actually gave her a closed mouth smile. She didn't hesitate. She smiled back at him.

And then Wooseok grabbed their attention. He seemed pretty tipsy too but he cleared his throat and said, "I have something to tell you guys."

"Don't tell us Kele is pregnant." Shinwon joked.

"Yah!" Both Kele and Kino said at the same time.

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