Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
The Light

High school, junior year for Yeeun.

She sat up sharply from lying down on her bed because she couldn't stop thinking about him. The guy that had been running in her mind.

Today, he talked to her brieflyㅡjust like always. He just asked about his sister, Kele, who is one of her best friends. But the effect of that brief conversation was driving her insane. She grabbed her phone, squinting her eyes to adjust to the brightness and then she quickly typed his Instagram username on ‘Search’: k_innovation98

She could just look at his display picture because he has a private account and she doesn't even have the guts to follow him on SNS. She slapped her own cheek a few times before leaving his profile.

The groupchat with her best friends kept on buzzing because Kele had been invited to the party of one of the most popular guy in school: Jung Wooseok.

Yeeun kind of wished she could go too even though she's not exactly a party girl, she knows Kino would be there for sure.

She bit her lip, remembering how she hasn't even told Kele about her growing crush to her brother yet. It would just be awkward and they would make a big deal out of it.

It all started months back after the school's essay writing competition. She hated participating because she didn't think she's a great writer but her teachers believed so much in her. As she expected, she didn't win. The second top student of senior high, Jo Hyunjoo, did. She always did.

So, at that time, Yeeun was just walking around the hallways after lunch thinking about how she would tell her mom about her recent disappointment when she heard two boys talking.

“Did you listen to the reading of the essays?” The familiar voice asked. She looked up in front of her to see Hongseok and Kino both their backs turned to her as they walked.

“Yes, why?” Kino asked.

“I think Jo Hyunjoo's piece really deserved the win. She's so quiet but her thoughtsㅡare wow.”

“Yes, but I think Yeeunie's writing was good too.”

“Ah, Yeeunie? Yeah, but Hyunjooㅡ”

“They have different styles. Hyunjoo has the effect that symphatizes more with people. Her writing is simple. I think you'll really have to listen, not just hear Yeeun's writing. It's... how do I say it? It's more poetic. I like it.”

Yeeun didn't realize she had stopped walking until the boys disappeared from her sight. A smile slowly curved her lips. And since then, she couldn't help but actually ‘see’ Kino. Whether he would ask her about his sister, or when he occasionally greets her in the hallways, Yeeun's world shines a little brighter each day.

It. was. crazy.

She tried to stop, of courseㅡbut Kino just kept on doing things that made her admire him even more.

There were so many times she wondered if only she had the courage to confess, where could it had taken her? Would there be a chance that her confession would turn out as well as what she hears on podcasts and what she reads online? Is it true that sometimes, girls should really take the initiative?

She got up from bed and paced back and forth. Her heart screams what it wanted to do.

So, Yeeun sat in front of her study desk and tried to write a confession letter to Kinoㅡshe wrote the way he would like. Even just writing to him made her heart beat so fast and so loud.

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