Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I'm Sorry

Kino opened his eyes, taking his time as it sank into his head that he's in Shinwon's beach house, Wooseok's beside himㅡand he's going to military. His head turned sharply to his friend whose eyes already open but his soul seemed to be hibernating.

"Jung Wooseok!" He called, his voice unusually deeper in the morning.

"What?" Wooseok asked, barely opening his mouth.

"Are you seriously going to military?"

He frowned, pulling the bed sheets towards himself. "Yeah," He said with a sigh.

"Heol," Kino said, remembering last night and what he told him. "You should tell Kele."

"I will," he said and for the first time in a long time, Kino was having trouble reading his friend again. "I will." He repeated.

"When are you enlisting?"

"I'll leave at the end of summer."

He gasped a little. "And you're just telling me this now?"

"Nobody else knows yet." Wooseok said quietly. "I'll tell Kele first."

"You better doㅡand as soon as possible, okay?"

He just nodded.

Changgu stirred his coffee even though it didn't need to be anymore. He was sitting in the balcony with an overview of the quiet sea. It's a calm morning. He waited until eight. He knows Seungyeon would be awake by then.

Her number appeared at the top of his call logs. She answered in six rings, he almost hang up.

"Were you still sleeping?" He asked her.

"No, I was practicing. Why?"

Right. Seungyeon had spent the last few years practicing, training to become an idol, a celebrity.

Changgu smiled a bit. "I just want to hear your voice."

"Seriously? I was about to master this choreography! It's not like we don't talk everyday." She said a bit harshly that he was taken aback.

They were both quiet on each side of the line. He cleared his throat. She heaved a deep breath. "I'm sorry." They said at the same time.

"No, I understand." He said, but the brightness in his voice had died.

"I'm sorry." She repeated genuinely. "It's just that I've been up early, trying to get this choreography. I'm just tired."

Changgu leaned back on his seat and stirred the coffee some more. "My friends and I are going on a roadtrip."

"Really? That's great! Where are you guys going?" She asked as if trying her best to sound genuinely interested.

Changgu snorted, but he pushed it. "I was thinking maybe you could come and we could spend some time together. It's been a while since we had proper time for each other."

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