Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
More Painful

Kino rushed to the hospital after he's been contacted by the police about the progress of their investigation from the dance competition. Yeeun wasn't lying at all when she said it was connected to her.

Yuto hit the brakes and helped him get to Yeeun's mom. She had never looked so pale and weak. He swallowed hard. "Mrs. Jang... are you alright?" He asked.

She looked at him and smiled weakly. "There you go," she said, closing her eyes as if the light was too much. "The person my Yeeun cares so much about."

His heart clenched by the sound of her name. "What happened?"

"It's... over. He's going to jail. Yeeun... can come back. She wants to come back." She opened her eyes and looked at him. "I'm sorry for how I treated you back then. And... thank you for saving my daughter's life."


Yeeun booked a flight as soon as she could. She had way too many things left to do in Scotland but hearing about what happened to her mother and not being able to do anything because she's on the other side of the world pained her.

Yeeun: Are you with her?

Kihyun: Not at the moment. Um. Kino is actually here. He's talking to your mom.

Her heart skipped a beat. Her finger hovered over the keyboard for a while.

Yeeun: Tell her I booked a flight tomorrow. I'll be there. Thanks a lot, Kihyun.

Kihyun: No problem!
Kihyun: PS. Kino is leaving now. Gonna go talk to your mom.


Kihyun's dad hit his head slightly with his hand. "Yahㅡwhat are you doing? You're on duty! You're not supposed to be texting!"

He scratched his head. "I know! I know! Aish. I have to go talk to Dr. Jang."

"Why? I heard her daughter already has a boyfriend. You can stop trying to get on her good side."

"Dad! Yeeun is my friend now. I'm not doing her favors just because I like her."

"So, you do like her?"

"No! I meanㅡaish. Nevermind. I gotta go."

His dad chuckled. "Hurry. You're needed in room 404."


It was cloudy when Yeeun came out of the airport. She grabbed a taxi and fell asleep on her way back home. She couldn't believe she's back in South Korea so soon.

"Jang Yeeun!" Kihyun called her name brightly as she stepped off the cab. His smile was so bright too as if he was very happy to see her again.

She dragged her luggage with her. "Hey!"

"Wow. Did you come here straight from the airport?" He asked.

"Yeah! And I really wanna catch up with you butㅡwhere's my mom?"

Kihyun smiled. "Don't worry about me. Come on, I'll bring you to her."

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