Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Live In The Moment

Yeeun fixed her hair and reapplied her lipstick, staring at herself across the mirror. She nervously ran down her hands flat on Hyunjoo's yellow sundress before leaving the washroom. She walked slowly back to Kino who was eyeing the divers in the aquarium. She stopped for a moment and watched him from afar.

She can't believe he asked her out. That they are on a date. She just used to look at him like thisㅡfrom afar, admiring the way he shines.

Kino turned to her as if feeling her presence and they both smiled shyly at each other.

“I'm sorry I ran off.” She said once she's in front of him. “It's just a little...”

“Too fast?” He asked.

And she nodded. The butterflies in her stomach activated as he slowly takes her hand in his. She couldn't help but stare at their hands entwined together.

“Do you trust me?” He asked, searching for her eyes.

Yeeun looked at him. She was happy, but she was scared. “Kino,”


“Are you sure about this?”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you completely moved on? What if... what if you're just, I don't know, what if you don't really...” She struggled to form words. Kino gave her hand a squeeze.

“Yeeun-ah, all I know is that you make me happy.” He said. “I haven't laughed the way you made me do in so long. You make me feel alive again. I know it's just been days, but I want to know you. We still have time, right?”

“But I'm leaving thisㅡ”

“I know,” he said, squeezing her hand again. “So, can't we just live in the moment? We'll worry about that later. Is that okay?” He asked.

Yeeun quietly nodded. Kino smiled at her, pinching the tip of her nose. “You're a girl with a lot of worries. No wonder you're friends with Kele.” He said with a chuckle.

They watched the divers and even took pictures with them. “Can you swim?” Kino asked her as they walked towards the exit of the aquarium.

Yeeun nodded. “Yeah, I can.”

“Do you wanna go to diving spots tomorrow?”

“With others?”

“No, just the two of us.”

She still couldn't help itㅡher heartbeat just stops all of a sudden because of him. “O-Oh! Well, okay!” She replied, flustered.

“Then, we'll see the real underwater tomorrow.”

They exited the Sea Life Busan Aquarium and went back to Hongseok's van. “Where do you wanna go?” He asked.

“I don't know.” she said with a nervous chuckle. She can't help but feel so uninteresting. What if Kino regrets asking her out?

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