Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"What are you talking about?" Yeeun asked her mother in disbelief. "I still have months. I have to internㅡ"

"You will do your internship in Scotland."

"Mom! I can't! I can't leave Kino right now."

To her surprise, her mom walked towards her and grabbed both of her shoulders, eyes wide in... what? Fear? "I will take care of him. I will make sure he recovers. But I need you to listen to me and leave the country."

Yeeun pulled herself away. "Something's going onㅡand as usual, you are not telling me. You are always trying to do everything by yourself!"

"Everything I do is for your own good, Yeeun. Believe it or not, I wish nothing but a great life ahead for youㅡ"

Tears spilled down her mother's eyes. Yeeun was taken aback.


"You're not safe here. In Scotland, you'll be far enough to be safe. You have to understand. Yeeun, you are my life. I could be alone for the rest of my lifeㅡ"

"Why do you always think you're alone? Mom, it's... dad who left. It's just him. I'm... I'm still here, don't you see? Haven't I grown enough for you to confide in me?"

"I'm just protecting you." She said shaking her head.

"From what? You can't protect me from everything. You protecting me has only ever made me feel lonely, mom. I miss my mom. I miss you."

She let out a shaky breath, hands still trembling as she covered her face with them, crying.

Yeeun's tears were unstoppable too. She swallowed hard and slowly walked towards her mother before wrapping her arms around her.


Late at night, Yeeun and her mother sat in the dining area where she told her everything.

"I know it's been hard for you. I've been hard on you. I was just afraid that you'd make the same mistakes that I did." She said, staring at the wall. "I fell in love very young. Your dad was so much like your Kino. Handsome. So much fun to be with. He had simple dreams. He only wanted to do what he loved. I've always been the one who aimed higher."

Yeeun just quietly listened to the stories she was hearing for the first time in her entire life.

"I had you in a young age. Your father wasn't ready. He... left me." She said, the last three words trembling on her lips. "That's why I tried my best to focus you on your studies. I know it was hard not being able to meet your friends when you wanted toㅡbut I was only protecting you. You were too young to be hurt the way I felt."

"Yeeun, when I lost your father I felt like a big part of me died. I didn't know how to go on with life with another growing life inside me, but when you were born..." She said smiling softly. "My life had a purpose again."

Tears continued to roll down Yeeun's cheek.

"I wanted to give you the best. I wanted you to focus on succeeding. I always thought that after everything, I could finally let you go and have the fun I knew you always craved." She shook her head. "But then you came back hereㅡand you've grown into a beautiful and brave young woman. You always looked sad and it always broke my heart."

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