Chapter 22

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Chapter 22
Nice To Meet You

Kino stopped by Wooseok's home instead of his own. He pressed the doorbell too many times because he just felt like annoying him and Yuto.

He wasn't disappointed. Wooseok opened the door with a huge frown while Yuto stood behind him with a green water gun.

"What is wrong with you! Your house is next door!" Wooseok scowled.

He grinned so wide. "Nothing's wrong. Everything's right." He said making his way past him.

"I take it the date went very well." Yuto said following him to the living room where he threw himself in the couch.

Kino smiled and buried his face on the couch. "Yeah. So well."

Wooseok whistled. "Congrats, man." He said patting his back strongly.

He winced, sitting up. "I think I'm..."

"Screwed?" Yuto continued.

He chuckled. "Jeez. How do I say this? I justㅡI really, really, really like her."


Yeeun found the lights on the second floor were on but she still tipped-toe just in case her mother was home, but before she could even finish climbing the stairs, she already heard her voice.

"Coming home late now, I see."

She looked up and her eyes widened by the sight of her mother's face with bandages and her neck with a brace. "Mom! What happened? Are you alright? H-How did this happen?" She asked worriedly, all the happiness she felt dissolving.

Her mom looked away. "Just a little accident. I'm alright."

"Just a little? Mom, you have a brace around your neck and bandages almost covering your face!" She lowered her voice. "Don't I deserve to know what happened at least? Why didn't you tell meㅡ"

"It's a car accident but I'm... fine. The bandages are for my bruises. The brace is barely necessary." She said nonchalantly. "So, who was that young man?"

Yeeun couldn't help herself from blushing. "He's, uh, we're... going out."

"Really? And when are you planning to tell me this?"

"When you're not busy."

There was a short silence between them before she spoke again. "I want him over by dinner tomorrow night. Clear?"

"I'll tell him."

She nodded. "Go to bed. It's late."

Yeeun walked slowly towards her bedroom door but then he remembered what Kino told her about telling people how you really feel, so she paused halfway opening the door. "Mom? I'm glad you're alright."

Her mother turned around and smiled just a little. "Good night, Yeeun."

"Good night."


That morning, Yeeun received a text from Kino.

Kino: good morning! can't wait to see you!

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