Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
The Truth Is...


Kino watched Eunbin as they sat on the beach sand by the shore. She hadn't changed a lot physically. Admittedly, she's still beautiful.

"He's not the reason, is he?" He asked her, looking at the sea now. It was dark and the only indication there was a sea there was the sound of the waves and the water shining under the moonlight.


"That you broke up with me."

She shook her head. "No, jeez. No, Kino."

"Then, you justㅡreally didn't love me anymore." He said and those words hurt him so bad for such a long time he thought he would never get over it, but now, it's just a simple fact.

"You know that I did love you. You know that I held on for as long as I could. You know that I waited. And then, it just... wasn't the same anymore. It didn't feel right anymore, you know. We saw other people more than we saw each other. Talked to other people more than we talked to each other. Kino, we were falling out of loveㅡand we were just both afraid to admit it because it felt like we've known each other our whole lives. Like, it could be us for life." She looked at him with tears in her eyes and a sad smile.

"It still hurt when you left." He said, "So bad."

She chuckled humorlessly. "I know. Maybe you thought that because I was the one who ended it, it may have hurt less for meㅡbut no. You were a big part of my life. You were the first boy I've ever loved." She slowly doodled on the sand. "And watching you slowly slip away from me and feeling myself slipping away from you, accepting the fact that it wasn't working anymore, and deciding to let you goㅡit wasn't easy."

There was silence between them. Kino took a deep breath. "How did we get here?" He asked softly. "I never imagined there would come a time that we would be sitting together talking about our breakup."

"That's the sad thing about life, you know. Everything ends eventually."

"You're in love with him, aren't you?"

She smiled again sadly. "It doesn't matter. He's very much in love with Seunghee. God. If you could only hear him when he talks about her? It's like, she's the bestㅡand I mean, the best human being ever created by God." She said with a chuckle. "I could never top that."

"When you're in love with someone, that person becomes the best in your whole world."

Eunbin grinned and looked at him over her shoulder. "I heard you're going out with someone."

Kino smiled slowly and nodded coyly. "Yeeun. Yeah." He said, "She's the best."

"I'm honestly happy for you. Kino, you deserve to be happy again." She looked at him and added, "And for what it's worth, please make up with Shinwon. He's wrecked enough by what he's going through because of Seunghee. And we're not alone in his house, just to be clear. Another mutual friend of ours is over."

He rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm sorry. It's just thatㅡI don't know. I guess I loved you so much and it was so hard to get over you. The thought of you and him... just didn't feel right."

"I understand. Really. I'm the one who should be sorry... that of all people, I had to... fall for your friend. But don't worry, okay? Me and him are never going to happen. Just like how everything else ends, my feelings for him would too."

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