Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Yeeun took a deep breath, forcing her mind to think. Kino's safety was the most important. She tried to remember all the things she stuffed inside her head all these years as Kele dialed 119 with her trembling hands.

The crowd have helped lifting the metal stand off Kino's lower leg. Her heart broke at the sight of it bleeding. Her hands were shaking even as she tore a part of her shirt. "Apply pressure to stop the bleeding." She muttered to herself, wrapping the cloth around his wounded leg. She looked around, ignoring everyone else staring at them. "Ice. There. G-Get it." She said, trying to calm her breathing.

Wooseok ran to the drink vending stand. The man there immediately handed him a bucket of ice. Yeeun tore another part of her shirt and wrapped it around the ice cubes, gently applying it to Kino's skin. "You're gonna be alright." She whispered as if he could hear her. His eyes were closed but he was awake and wincing, crying in pain.

She noticed his ragged breathing so she turned to Kele. "Put his head down. I'm gonna raise his leg, okay?"

Yuto kneeled down on Kino's feet and held his leg slightly up. That was the scene when the paramedics arrived. They put Kino on a stretcher. Kele and Yeeun went with the ambulance. The rest of their friends would just follow.

They injected a sleeping dose to Kino as they checked his wound. Kele hugged Yeeun, crying along with her.

She won't be able to forgive herself if she'd damaged him forever.


Today was the first time it rained in summer as well as Kele could remember. She watched as her parents rushed to the hospital and wrapped their arms around her. "Where is your brother?"

"They're still looking on his injury." She replied with a hoarse voice.

"God. What happened?" Her mom asked.

"I don't know. We were in this dancing competition. They were on stageㅡand suddenly, this metal stand was falling on them. I... I couldn't do anything..." She said trembling. She was so scared.

"Ssshh, sweetie, it's not your fault." Her dad pulled her close. "Your brother's gonna be... alright. He's gonna be alright." He said as if convincing himself too.

But is Kino really gonna be okay?


Yeeun wiped her tears away when her mom and the other hospital staff came out of the emergency room. Her mom immediately talked to Kino's family. Yeeun was just listening, hand on her mouth.

Her mom brought her to the on-call room. She checked her for any injuries and sighed a breath of relief when she found none.



"Please tell me he's gonna be fine." She said, wanting to stop crying but tears wouldn't stop falling.

Her mother looked at her worriedly and for the first time in a long time, she pulled her in a hug. "He is going to be fine. He saved your life. I'm going to do all that I can to save him too."

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