ONE: 1944

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(Now edited)

I always asked myself why hurt someone whose only intention was to love you? It was something I had to learn the hard way but instead of being the person who hurt the other, I was the person who got hurt because I loved to much, I forgave to much, I was too pure, too innocent, and now I'm paying for it, but always remember treat her like a queen and she'll treat you like a king. Treat her like a game and she'll show you how its played.

The summer of 1944 was ending, and a new school year was beginning. The world was dark, and it had been for a while. With Grindelwald on the rise, a man who was causing terror amongst wizards and witches alike. It was a scary time to be alive.

The young witch was startled in her sleep as the hoot of the Hogwarts Express had awoken her from her little escape of reality. She turned to look out the window seeing the silhouette of the Hogwarts, the school she truly called her home.

The witch felt a soft brushing near her feet, she looked down to see her small black cat, Moon. She picked him up carefully placing him in her lap.

"Oh your awake" her best friend Cheryl Weasley had stated as she lifted her eyes off of her Charms textbook.

Emma nodded "Yeah, didn't get much sleep last night. Father has been experimenting" she recalled hearing the loud bangs and pops from his potion's lab.

"He's still trying to make that cure isn't he?" Cheryl said somberly

Emma nodded as she petted Moon's black fur, "Where's Aaron?" Emma asked as she couldn't find her boyfriend anywhere.

Cheryl shrugged "Not exactly sure, left around an hour ago, most likely went his teammates compartment"

Emma stood from her seat, "Could you make sure Moon gets into his cage, I have to start my Head Girl Duties" said Emma

Cheryl nodded "Of course, have fun", Emma gave the redheaded witch a small smile and opened the door with a click and shut it close.

She took a deep breath before stalking towards to another cabin, she opened the door and gave them a smile "Hello, start getting your stuff together, we will be arriving in few short minutes"

They all nodded and Emma left closing the door, she continued to do this until they reached Hogsmeade Station. Emma went to closest door, exiting the train as the steam pooled out from under the tracks.

It was already late at night. Emma looked towards her watch. Eight o'clock, She could see the full moon big and bright behind the castle. She saw the orange glow from the schools windows. She felt at home and safe. She was sure other students felt the same.

It was quite hard to see due to the darkness so Emma brandished her wand "Lumos" she said aloud and automatically the tip of her wand glowed a white light. Shortly students began filing off the train talking amongst their fellow classmates.

The older students already knew where to go and took the carriages which magically pulled themselves and the little first years guided by Prefects to the boats. It was tradition for the first years to take the boat ride across the Black Lake to the castle and once they graduated in their seventh year they would take the boat back.

Emma almost couldn't believe she was in her seventh year already. It almost felt like yesterday she was small first year not knowing what to expect from this grand school.

Emma didn't know who the Head Boy was but she had a few guesses. Emma kept to herself, she only talked to her best friend Cheryl Weasley who was of Gryffindor, her boyfriend and twin to Cheryl, Aaron Weasley. And her close housemate that she shared a dorm with Nancy Bellows and Sophia Maximus along with Ares Lovegood.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now