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Despite marrying me for his own selfish reasons, this is my happiest memory of him and I, I was truly happy, and I hope you could find someone that loves you and truly wants to be with you, live the fairy tale I never was able to live.


You could say she didn't get the best night's sleep, she was nervous out of her mind.

Her mind running a million miles per hour, her heart was hammering in her chest, and cold sweats were appearing on her forehead. She had doubts, and at this very moment, she wanted to call off the whole thing. She didn't know why she was feeling this way as she "loves" Tom.

She stood still in her bed that morning, her blonde hair laid back against her pillow like a crown, her hands folded across her stomach.

She only stared at the ceiling, she wondered if her mother was this nervous during her own wedding.

Emma lifted herself from the bed, it was a bright sunny day in England, something that you will rarely see, it was still quite chilly out, her feet graced the wooden floor, her toes curled at the coldness.

She placed on her slippers and grabbed her silk robe that was on the chair, she eyed her wedding dress that was drapped over the mannequin and made her way out of the Swan Mansion. She stood at the Swan Manor for the night as Tom slept at the flat in Diagon Alley

There wasn't a single soul within the house, she stepped outside bracing her self as the wind lapped at her hair, bringing the pinkness of her cheeks to light.

She rounded the small pathway towards the garden, her mother's garden.

Emma saw the gray slab of stone sticking in the middle of the ground surrounded by her mother's favorite flowers.

Emma sat on the small brown bench and took a deep breath before she could speak.

"Hello, Mum," She said breathlessly, and she cracked a small smile. "I'm sure you know what today is, my wedding day. I don't think I have been this nervous about something, were you this nervous when you married papa? If you were then I have nothing to worry about because you got through it. I'm taking a major step into my future here and it utterly sucks not having you here with me, but I know you'll be there in spirit with the powers of Merlin, I know you'll be there."

Emma smiled, her eyes becoming watery as she brought a hand to touch the cool stone, tracing the letters of her mother's name.

Emma stood up, wiped her eyes, and went back to the house as she waited on her friends.

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With the help of three witches, their wands waving gracefully, Emma's dress was placed beautifully on her body.

Emma's hair was styled in a low bun, a few of her curls escaping to frame her face, her makeup light, not heavy, and her veil secured to the back of her head.

Her dress was a long-sleeved satin dress that exposed her collar bones and shoulders, a mermaid train silhouette dress. Custom made in Paris with the help of Imelda Malfoy. Emma wanted an off-white as she did not want the color to stand out against her pale skin, the fabric surrounded her like a pool, her veil was long as well as it was pleated with lace along the edge in a delicate manner.

"Oh darling, you look absolutely beautiful," Imelda cried as she stared at Emma longingly.

"A beautiful dress, simple and elegant, just like you," Cheryl stated as she smiled at her best friend through the mirror.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now