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Dear Tom,

You have lived a life with some darkness within you, but that does not define you. I think you always thought your were destined to be this cruel man, but you could be so much more. You have decided that your bad moments defined you and made you who you are today, the person you'll always be destined to be.

You have changed my entire world, flipped it upside down. We were good together for the time being. I somehow always think that in different worlds we would be happy together.

I don't believe that any of this was your fault, it is life and life isn't fair. You thought you could get something more out of life, as it has been cruel and unjust towards you. But if you think about it there was always going to be that possibility that something could go wrong.

I'm sorry things had to end this way, but you hurt me Tom, we broke each other because it hurt less than letting go.

You could either love me or hate me, there's no in between, if you love me, I will forever be in your heart, if you hate me I will forever be on your mind and not even an obliviating spell could make you forget me. I sort of wish I did forget, because its easier, its easier to forget all of it. But I'll never forget the way you looked at me and how I fell in love.

I like to think that you did love me, but I don't think you ever did, I have thought about it for eight years, you were fascinated by love and wanted it desperately but you can't force love, you were obsessed with the idea and I had mistaken your obsession as love. I think you just didn't want to be alone, and that for once something in your life was good even if you thought it was miserable. But you didn't love me, because you don't hurt the people you love.

You learned all my secrets, my bruises, my scars and then you left, I watched you disappear and take everything with it and all was left was the ghost of you.

It kills me to see you suffer because you deserve so much more, I acted like it wasn't a big deal, when really it was breaking my heart.

You were completely utterly broken and I felt as if it was my job to fix the unfixable. But I didn't look into reality it was the only thing that stood between you and me, because our fantasy felt like reality to me, it was like wool covering my eyes and I refused to take off the blinds and see everyone's true colors, I was afraid to look at yours but I was deathly afraid of mine.

It made me realize that not everything has to be beautiful, it made me take me for what I am, and everything you were. You were such a complicated thing, a beautiful thing, tangled in your web of lies that to you almost seemed to be the truth, you were complicated, but worth it.

I always felt like you couldn't contain yourself, that you were torn between being a good person and wanting something that was so far out of reach. And in a way I understood you, you were the love of my life.

Perhaps in another life, world, timeline, or universe, we are happy, we aren't pieces of glass waiting for the other to pick up the pieces. But I'll see you soon, and I will wait all the days, months and years for you to come back to me. Despite of all the things you've done, I love you Tom, never forget that, Eleanor loves you, never forget that.

Remember Tom, love is a strength not a weakness.

Always with you, Emma Swan Riddle

Tom crumbled up the letter placing it in his pocket, as he stepped out of the room, he snatched the Slytherin Locket from around her neck, and took his ring from her finger he didn't not dare look once at Emma's face staring at him hauntingly as he walked out of the small house they shared and whisked away like a distant memory, a ghost.


THE END. I want to thank every single one of you for coming along with me on this journey and letting me share this story your support and love means so much to me you guys have no idea. I can't actually believe that I wrote a FanFiction.

I had this idea for about a year and I was nervous about sharing it but you guys have been so kind and I love and appreciate every single one of you. But this isn't the end of the story, it was only just the beginning.

I am going to write a chapter on Facts of Game of Riddle and sharing a little announcement with you all so head on to the next chapter!!!!

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