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There is always going to be someone who is going to change so dramatically that you are going to have to take two steps back and ask "what changed?" they could either answer your question or not at all, but we can't judge them for this change, they want to be better and we all must accept that, so we all just have to sit back and watch everything unfold.

It was towards already midway through September, Emma felt as it went terribly fast as she yawned while walking to the Dueling Club, she quickened her strides as she was almost late and entered through the door

The room was filled with splashes of the colors red, yellow, blue and green from the uniforms of Emma's fellow classmates, as they waited excitedly and anxiously for their Dark Arts teacher.

It was the first dueling practice of the school year, and every year as tradition the first two to duel each other was their very own Head Boy and Girl.

Emma was dreading dueling against Tom, Tom openly mocked her throughout the entire week because they both knew what was coming up

"The duel is coming up soon Swan, are you ready for it" Tom said to her as they walked the corridors his friends following behind him

"Of course she is! She a bloody bookworm, but we already know you'll win Tom" Nott exclaimed as he stood beside Emma

"Honestly Riddle, I'm looking forward to dueling with you. You might be surprised" Emma only said as she continued walking hugging her book tighter to her chest.

"But you won't be able to beat me, but don't worry Swan I'll go easy on you" Tom said as he paused dramatically to state something else towards her

"Or not..." Tom said as his friends snickered as they finally turned the corner

Emma was nervous, but the words of encouragement from her friends have definitely helped

Aaron came around towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist resting his chin on her shoulder "Don't be nervous okay, Riddle would sense that first. Just keep your head up okay" he said

Emma smiled slightly "I'll do my best, even though he might murder me"

Aaron look at her "I will not let that happen in a million years okay"

From the corner of her eye she could see Professor Merrythought come through the door, she groaned quickly Aaron released her placing a small kiss on her cheek "You got this okay" he said to her, Emma nodded as he walked away from her to his own group of friends

"Welcome students" Professor Merrythought stated

"Good afternoon, Professor" The students said aloud

"As you know, today is Dueling Day, where we will see a witch vs witch, wizard vs. wizard, wizard vs. witch and as it is tradition, the Head Boy And Girl will go first" She said not wasting any time

Emma cursed silently to herself, it wasn't that she couldn't duel but she knew she didn't have a chance against Riddle, as he was undefeatable, he made sure everyone saw what he was capable of last year during the dueling practices.

Emma and Tom both took out their wands, as they neared the dueling table

"Now you two know the rules" The professor said as she got out of their way as the Witch and Wizard made their way towards each other

They weren't allowed to use any Unforgivable, if they are in use it will result in immediate explusion and will be reported to the Ministry.

All spells must be legal.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now