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Sadly I won't be able to plan a wedding with you, I'll be far gone by that time. It had just struck me now at how curiously I now find that your father wanted a position as a teacher at Hogwarts, perhaps I'll never know why maybe you'll know the answer when the time comes.


Life after Hogwarts was peaceful.

Ares Lovegood was now working for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, he is still in a very intimate relationship Caroline Hospers and hopes to marry her as soon as her last year at Hogwarts ends.

Nancy Bellows worked for the Department of Magical Transportation.

Sophia Maximus-Malfoy was now a happily married woman, she didn't work but she still manages to shop until her heels break.

Cheryl Weasley worked for the Auror's office.

Aaron Weasley, with his love for Quidditch became a column writer in the Daily Prophet, he talks about the latest games and equipment and gets everyone around the Wizarding World excited for the next season.

Emma Swan was now engaged with a man she doesn't know at all, or at least she thinks she knows him. Much like her friends she has a job in Ministry working in the Department of Mysteries. It wasn't what she particularly wanted to do with her life but she was desperate to find work and do something with her time, she cannot speak of her job fully as they work in a total confidential environment.

Tom Riddle a soon to be married man, ended up taking a job that was peculiar to most people. He worked in Borgin and Burke's. A job which worked at collecting artifacts from witches and wizards and selling them to others for a higher price. Tom was currently in apprenticeship with Carlisle Swan, the father of the woman he was going to marry.

The new two newly engaged couple lived in an apartment in Diagon Alley, it wasn't a great apartment, by the kitchen there was an inconsistent leak in the roof, So a bucket had to stay on the floor at all times. There were always a creaky wooden floors, wallpaper that was old and slowly lifting off the walls. The apartment needed to fixed desperately.

Emma has been working day and night ever since she had gotten the job at the Ministry, today she had finally a day off. So she had been fixing the apartment instead of laying in bed with a cup of tea and a good book. Tom was working at Borgin and Burkes in Knockturn not exactly far away from the two's apartment. Emma never went to Knockturn nor did she want to. It was a dodgy place.

Her pale finger touched the black stone on the Riddle family ring, as if she was secretly thinking to take it off. She stopped and opened the window letting the October chill into the flat. She looked down seeing the busying witches and wizards busying down the street walking up and down to shops of their choice, Emma stood back, as an owl almost flew into her.

She sighed as she took sight of her apartment, took out her wand and began reciting spells. When she was younger she took a woman's work class where she learned cooking and cleaning spells. It was sexist but she had to take the course as it was a requirement.

Slowly the wallpaper looked brand new and stuck to the wall, the floors were polished and shiny, the lamp fixtures were dusted and the bulbs shined brighter. The furniture was cleaned and put together nicely.

The magic stopped all around the room as the spell was used in every crevice and crack. She had nothing else to do, Emma furrowed her brows as she noticed her missing cat "Moon? Where are you?"

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now