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Probably one of the only nights, i actually felt bad for him.

Since the second week of September, Emma Swan has tutoring Abraxas Malfoy. He was quite horrid at Transfiguration and was hoping Emma could help him fix that. Over the course of the two months the two have become friends. Emma was no longer awkward around him, he made her laugh and Abraxas found out that her laugh was his favorite thing about her.

Emma stood up from her chair in the library and rounded towards Abraxas as she read an excerpt from her textbook aloud "So it still seems you need help with the bird-conjuring charm, even though we did that last year. I asked Professor Dumbledore for your exam results. Abraxas you need to study you got a T, which stands for troll. That's not good."

Abraxas dropped his quill on the table in frustration "You know if you were going to judge me the whole time I would've asked Dumbledore to tutor me, and we know he will give me a hard time."

Emma rolled her eyes as she lifted her eyes from her book "I'm not judging you, I'm telling you the truth. So in order to do this spell correctly the incantation is Avis, we will learn first how to say it verbally but it is better for students to learn this nonverbal. This spell will be on NEWTs so come on, stand up." Emma told him

Emma took out her wand making Abraxas stand a few feet in front of her, she showed him the wand movements he should be making. "Your flourishing your wand too much, Transfiguration is supposed to be gracefully and elegant not banging your wand as if its a drumstick" Emma said

"A what?" he asked not getting the reference "A drumstick is a stick muggles use to bang on a instrument called a drum, anyways here i'll show you"

Emma pictured the yellow canary birds, with a flick of her wand the birds appeared at the top of her softly flying around her, Emma smirked slightly to herself "Oppugno"

Abraxas eye's widen at the familiar jinx, he ran when the birds came flying towards his head, he ducked as the birds came flying fast, the birds disapprated into thin air. Abraxas scowled as he saw the witch laughing silently to herself.

"Think that's funny don't ya?" he said, Abraxas decided he was finally going to concentrate, he pictured the yellow flock of birds in his mind with a wave of his wand, he prayed to merlin it worked, he laughed when he saw the birds flying around him.

"See you did it, not so bad right. Alright thats looks like the end of todays tutoring session."

Abraxas made his birds disappear and began packing his books away "Thanks for tutoring me and all, Dumbledore has said that my performance in class has definitely improved"

Emma smiled "good glad I can help, are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?"she asked

"I am, just for bit, get a butter beer or two, you should get a drink with me, it will be fun" Abraxas told her

Emma frowned "I can't actually I have to patrol the grounds because of Grindelwald, the teachers are on high alert these days. They are making all the prefects guard as well. Wish I could though. I'm having Cheryl buy my supplies for me though so it wont be a useless trip for me"

Abraxas nodded in understanding "That's too bad, I'm guessing that means Tom will have to patrol too"

Emma nodded "Yeah, we have to do it together, anyways I'll see you later. Good work today."

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now