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It was an end of chapter that I didn't want to end, You will find a safe place within Hogwarts,  I promise you that. It will be where all houses will be your family and where you'll find the true power of friendship.

It was the end of a chapter of her life she didn't want to end, she would dearly miss her teachers from Albus Dumbledore to Horace Slughorn.

She would miss waking up early to get to classes and eating the delicious food in the Great Hall.

She would desperately miss the heavily scented old books in the vast library, books floating over her head as her nose was stuck deeply taking in every bit of information.

She would miss the long structured corridors, where she would meet up with friends the same corridors she memorized by heart on her way to class or to her own common room.

It was the only chapter in her life story that she didn't want to turn the page, she wished she had a time turner to turn back time and relive it all over again.

She and her friends have all made up even Aaron, who had forgiven the girl for her mistakes, he realized that they were better off friends than not at all. She had a boyfriend who she loved dearly and treated like a queen, they have only been dating for 6 months but she could see herself spending the rest of her life with him.

"Are you ready?" Cheryl asked as she clapped her hands around the blonde shoulders as they stood in their house color graduation gowns

"Definitely not." Emma laughed as tears began to form in her eyes

"Oh cheer up, can't believe your going to miss this school, I can't wait to shake Dippet's hand, grab my broom and head straight home" Aaron joked, Emma pushed him playfully as she rolled her eyes

"You don't mean that, I believe your the first one that's going to crack" Nancy told him as she leaned against the white pillar, her blue gown shimmering in the sunlight.

"Alright Bellows I bet you five sickles" Aaron said determinedly as the two students shook hands agreeing to the challenge

"Merlin it was only seven years ago we took that boat ride here and now we got to take that boat back" Ares said as he stared at the rolling pastures of Hogwarts, the giant squid tentacles making its way towards the surface and into the dark Forbidden Forest

"Can't believe I'm going to say this but I'm actually going to miss this place" Sophia stated as she picked at her nails

"We won't be back here until we have our own children" Cheryl said in realization

They all didn't say a word, it was the time and era where the women would get married as soon as they got out of school and have children while the men would work all day long.

The muggle war was over just as the wizarding world darkest wizard was defeated by their Professor, Grindelwald was no longer and in a confinement cell in Numergard.

"We should get going the ceremony its going to start soon" Emma said as she lifted herself of the ledge of the Astronomy Tower and patted down her Graduation gown.

The Head Boy and Girl were required to say the ending speech, Emma took out the crumpled parchment re-reading the speech over and over to make sure it sound okay and wasn't going to make a fool of herself.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now