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Hearing those words come out of that witches mouth, scared the living hell out of me, and I knew something must be done about it.


When Emma saw Tom apparate, she fell to knees in shock, her fingers tugged at the white sand underneath her as she cried and cried, within time it began to rain.

The waves from the sea began to hit the rocks on the shore viciously as rain pattered down hard almost like ice.

Emma wasn't sure if she was crying or whether it was the rain, her clothes and hair stuck to her like a second skin. It seemed like hours that she stood there.

Emma grabbed her wand beside her and trudged herself to the apparition point, within a few seconds she was at the gate of Malfoy Manor.

Emma hugged herself as she shivered seeing the ghost of her breath in the cold air.

The front door was open revealing Abraxas in his sleeping robe, once he saw Emma the door opened and she rushed inside to the warmth.

"Merlin Emma, its the middle of the night" Abraxas said as he grabbed the blanket from cupboard and wrapped it around her

"Is he here?" Emma asked as her teeth clattered against each other

"Who's here Emma?" Abraxas asked curiously

Emma moved further into he manor "Tom of course, who else?" She said as raised her wand towards herself displaying a drying spell.

"Tom? no he isn't here, what happened?" Abraxas asked

"He left me Brax" Emma said aloud, she was shocked by her own words, she didn't want to say them but she knew she had to face the harsh reality.

Abraxas was shocked to say the least but he expected it from Tom, he knew he was going to run at some point he just didn't think it would be this early in their marriage.

"I'm sorry Em" Brax managed to say as he wrapped his arms around her hugging her tightly, "Lets get you some tea, that should warm you up" he offered, Emma nodded as he led her towards the kitchens.

The house elf appeared instantly,"Tea" Brax only said, the elf bowed hesitantly and rushed off.

"You should be nicer to your house elves" Emma glared at him as she was passed the tea cup, Emma smiled at the elf gratefully.

Abraxas ignored her statement, "Where's Sophia?" Emma asked

"She visiting her family in Wales, she comes back tomorrow morning" Abraxas told her as Emma nodded with his response.

"You know it isn't Tom to leave so unexpectantly for no reason" Abraxas continued, Emma set down her teacup "I'm pregnant"

Abraxas set down his cup in shock "really?! Congratulations Em" his excitement was shot down by Emma look of sadness "that's why he left isn't it?"

Emma only stared at her hands which shook fiercely, her brown eyes began to water, she managed to get some courage and look directly at Abraxas, she broke down on the spot.

"I can't do this Brax, I can't raise a baby all on my own, I just got married barely a month ago and he already left me" Emma choked

Brax went towards her side as he gave her a comforting hug "I will help you, your father will, Sophia, Cheryl, Aaron, Ares, Nancy, even my parents will help you" Abraxas told her comfortingly "it will actually help with the tension of my mother wanting a grandchild actually" Abraxas laughed silently to himself

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now