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Throughout your life you are always going to need those group of friends that had your back from start to finish, no matter what you have done to ruin it, I learned that towards the end, they still had my back and I am grateful, so hold your friends close no matter how hard you try to push them away, they might be the only people left in the world to love you.

The four Ravenclaw students stand side by side as they all entered the Great Hall for a free period, it either consisted of doing homework, talking gossip they heard about another house or even their own, or having a friendly debate about which Quidditch team is best.

In this case Ares Lovegood was trying to explain why Quidditch was a good things towards his Ravenclaw friends, but they seemed to not grasp the sport as he did.

"I think Quidditch is a waste of time" Nancy stated to Ares as he started to point out its great standpoints, Ares was the Quidditch captain of the Ravenclaw team, though the three girls didn't understand his love for it, but they still were there on the bleachers cheering him on.

"I cant even watch Quidditch it gives me way too much anxiety" said Emma

"Quidditch is not a waste of time Nance, it gives you skill, your more attentive to what is going on around you-" Ares began

"How did we get into this conversation again?" Sophia asked as they sat at the grand oak table taking out their books to start homework early.

Within the next few seconds Aaron sat beside Emma scaring her "I hate it when you do that you know" she said putting her quill down

"But I love it, anyways do you want to come walk with me on the grounds for a bit?" Aaron asked

Emma gave him a look "I have homework" she stated and began writing once more

"I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that, come on. You need fresh air. Your looking a bit pale" Aaron said closing her book and stuffing her bag messily "Hey hey watch it that's Slughorn's potions paper" Emma said loudly as he whisked her away from her friends

Tom watched all of this, he frowned at it. He didn't understand how students could have affection for each other. He knew that people had relationships and did romantic things. He just didn't understand it all. He watched as two Hufflepuff's girl's hug in hello. Two Gryffindor's making out heavily at the end of the table.

"Um Tom your staring" Nott said disrupting his Lord's thoughts.

Tom's eyes looked towards Nott "Have you ever been in relationship before?" he asked him suddenly

Timothy was confused by the question "Yeah a few times, here and there. Why?" he answered anyways

"Well she likes the Weasley boy, he shows her...affection. If I show her affection will she like me?" He asked confused

Timothy stammered with his next words "I-I guess so, I mean, but she's been with Weasley for three years now. Showing her affection won't be enough. You have to friends with her first. Gain her trust then from there you could go further. Like getting her flowers and jewelry, go on dates stuff like that."

Tom thought to himself once more, "Come on, I want to see where they went." Tom says grabbing Nott by his sweater pulling him up from his seat making him follow him.

The front doors were open, it wasn't exactly chilly outside yet but it was going to be soon.

Tom saw to two blurred figures walking toward the black lake. Slowly and quietly Tom and Timothy followed.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now