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I loved him; I truly did; I don't think I will ever regret it. He made me feel a special way that I thought didn't exist. But once you love, love it truthfully, love it passionately, love it like its your last day of living. Give it your all because it might be your only chance.

Carlisle sat quietly to himself reading the daily prophet, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, his eyes squinted showing the fine lines of wrinkles around his eyes. Grindelwald was making his advancements to England, and many were sure that it was up to Dumbledore to stop him.

Carlisle dropped his paper angrily, taking off his spectacles rubbing in-between his eyes. The double doors opened, revealing Tom and Emma, and he quickly replaced his frown.

"Morning Emmy" Carlisle said happily hiding his earlier frustration, "Morning dad" Emma greeted

Emma took a piece of toast of her father's place eating it, and he scowled at her playfully.

She heard the familiar hoot of an owl and looked towards the window "Oh look, its Peter with the post"

The barn owl swung down to the window ledge as Emma stood up to open it. She smiled, taking the letter from its mouth as she pets its feathers, feeding him a few treats before he headed back up to the owlery to rest.

"It's from the Malfoy's," Emma said aloud, gathering her father's attention. Emma opened the letter reading its contents.

"You are cordially invited to the Malfoy's annual New Years Eve ball" Emma only said as she huffed

"Of course, I almost forgot about that" Carlisle said

"So did I" said Emma

"Do we have to go? The Malfoy's throw this ball every year. I'm sure they won't mind if we miss it once" Emma asked her father.

"Well yes, we support the Malfoy's, especially Imelda's extravagant parties" Carlisle said breathlessly.

"Well, I don't have a dress, and you clearly need a new wardrobe," Emma argued, and Carlisle brought his hand to his chest, looking offended.

"What these?, This has to be the best robes I own," Carlisle told her. His robes didn't suit him. It was bright shimmering green that reminded the two students of limes.

"I highly doubt that" Emma told him crossing her arms, Carlisle frowned "Alright fine, its looks like we both will have to venture to Diagon Alley this morning"

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Emma stared at her reflection, her blonde curls in an elegant up-do, exposing her neck. She turned her head and placed her diamond earring on her ears one by one. She was sure that Sophia, Cheryl, and Nancy would be impressed with her effort.

"Well I'm ready for a night of torture" Emma said to herself chuckling

She turned back to the mirror, placing on her lipstick.

Emma stood up from her vanity, a pale pink shimmering gown placed beautifully on her body, her back completely exposed.

Downstairs, Carlisle Swan tightened his tie and he rummaged into his pockets for his watch and looked at the time. "EMMA, ITS TIME TO GO," he shouted. In a flash Emma appeared.

"Ah, there you are, there's no time to waste. I would really like a drink right about now," Carlisle stated.

"Are we flooing?" Emma asked

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now