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I should have opened my eyes then, should have listened then, could have stopped everything. I should have seen all the signs, shouldn't have never shut off my mind. But I did, for that is my biggest regret.

Tom's arm felt numb as Emma's blonde head had been sleeping on it, her body was facing away from him, but he could see the curvature of her body through the white sheets that draped over her body delicately. After their small talk she stayed and fell back to sleep.

His hand brushed over her spine, he counted the freckles she had  on her back from her shoulders to her hip bone, it almost looked like constellations that danced across her back looking like the enchanted sky back at Hogwarts

Her words of love came rushing to him like a distant memory

"Love is something you can't find... you can't force it on another, it isn't a want or a need, Love can't be taught. Hate is taught. Love awakens something in you that you never thought you could ever have before. Love is respect. Love is caring. Love is honesty. Love is trust. Love is a weakness... but it's also a hidden strength"

He wanted to scoff at her words, the one thing she was right about was that love was a weakness, but she was wrong about it being a strength. Tom couldn't feel love, no matter how he tried, he believed her words about him to be true, he could see it in her eyes, in her body movements, how she spoke to him, every word she spoke dripped with love and lust.

It was moments like these when his humanity came out to play. He wished he wasn't such a miserable bloke and would let go of the immortality and power just for her, but he had a job to do and he was on the brink of completing it.

Emma was capable of things, things no one could. She could duel very well, she had almost beat him that day, Tom saw this in his favor as she could be able to protect herself. She was far intelligent than any witch or wizard he ever encountered that even included the professors, Tom saw this in his favor that if he were able to take the Ministry, she will rule that no one will ever dare cross her. She was friends with everyone, everyone trusted the sweet innocent Ravenclaw girl that even if she had done something horrible he was sure no one would be able to hate her, Tom favored this as she will be able to get people on his side such as politicians, giants, centaurs, goblins, people outside of England.

Emma would be the key to completing his vision, he would do anything to have her, even lie to her that he loved her just to do so. She will be loved and feared by all.

Tom head snapped towards Emma as she stirred and rubbed her eyes, he still couldn't see her face, but she turned, the sheets still covering her body and turned to face him.

"We have to leave before eleven" She yawned, bringing a hand to cover her face, she stifled a laugh and turned to look at him.

Emma lifted her head from his arm, knowing for sure that he probably couldn't feel it "Thank you for last night, for being gentle"

Tom smirked as he leaned down to her giving her a small kiss which she gratefully gave back "You don't have to thank me, I would do it over and over, just for you"

Emma smiled as her warm lips came over his cold cheek so softly he barely even felt it, she stood from the bed grasping the sheets tightly over body as she stood on the side of then bed.

"I have to leave, change and get to the station. You should do the same" Emma ordered him to do so

Tom sat up more in his bed his elbows steadying him, "Since when have you taken the role of ordering me around?" Tom asked

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now