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If there was one thing that I was afraid about Tom, it was disappointing him, once Tom commands something, it must be done.

The classical music sounded throughout the Ravenclaw Common Room, as some did their homework, reading silently to themselves, studying, playing chess and talking quietly with their peers

In the center of the room, the four Ravenclaws sat talking, as the door opened revealing in a number of flying paper planes landing on to some of the students laps

"Oh please don't let this be what I think it is" Sophia asked as she opened her little slip of paper

"You are Cordially Invited to Horace Slughorn's Christmas party, the attire is formal, starts after dinner in the Great Hall, you may bring a date. Sincerely Professor Horace Slughorn" Emma read aloud

"I don't think I could go through another party of Slughorn's" Ares stated as he crumbled up his invitation

"Oh come on, it's not so bad, besides we have to go its our last year going to Sluggy's parties" Nancy told him as she looked up from her History of Magic textbook.

Ares groaned in annoyance "Fine, fine, you three really need to stop using that excuse its getting old"

"Are you going to bring Aaron?" Sophia asked,

Two out of the four Ravenclaws started laughing hysterically "You are joking right, don't you remember what happened last year?" Ares asked as Nancy couldn't stop giggling.

"Oh right, he got pretty drunk didn't he, ended up yelling at Slughorn in front of all his guests, got three months of detentions for it" Sophia said as she recalled the event.

"Yeah, I'm not going to bring Aaron, perhaps I'll go on my own this year" Emma told her

"Well I'm going to ask that Hufflepuff boy I had my eye set on for a while" Sophia said as she sipped on her pumpkin juice

"Who?" The remaining Ravenclaws asked in wonder

"Harold Ventures, he has the most dreamiest green eyes I've ever laid on, he's my partner in Charms" Sophia shrugged

"Isn't he dating Annie Abott?" Ares asked amusedly

Sophia scoffed "Not for long" Emma and Nancy laughed loudly gaining a few glares from the other Ravenclaws who were studying in the room

"I know Ian Dragnets is going to ask me since he's had a crush on me since forever, and I think I'm going to give it a chance, who knows it will probably work" Nancy told them

"I thought you hated him?" Emma asked "I don't hate him perhaps dislike, but not hate"

Emma turned to Ares, "Ares, would you like to go to Slughorn's party together, I really don't want to go alone, and I know you'll leave it last minute to find a date"

Ares was contemplating in his head trying to make a desicion and saw the puppy dog eyes from the blonde He cringed and sighed as he gave in "Alright fine, it saves me from asking a girl anyway" Ares said as Emma hugged him tightly

Emma looked at her watch "I've got to get going, I have patrols any minute now" She patted down her skirt as she stood up and said her goodnights

"Tell Tom we said hello" Sophia said dreamily

"I didn't say anything" Nancy and Ares said in sync as Emma laughed "Okay Sophia I'll tell Tom you've said hello" Emma said as she left the room for patrols.

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Tom waited on the third floor corridor for Emma to begin patrols.

His plan was working marvelously, though had a few kinks due to her relationship with Aaron Weasley. Tom eyes became dark at the thought of him, he had heard their entire conversation, he was hoping Aaron would lose his temper with her, so he can swoop in and save the day. But that didn't happen.

He then thought of Timothy Nott as he made a unbreakabke vow to Tom to torture the Weasley boy, and perhaps it was time yo put the plan in action.

Emma came jogging from the Ravenclaw common room, "Hey Tom, I'm sorry I was late, Sophia says hello by the way"

"Its quite alright" Tom said through clenched teeth, he hated waiting on other people, but since he was late more than once for their patrols he pushed it aside.

"Did you get invited to Slughorn's party?" Emma asked as she showed him her invite.

"Yes, I did...are you going?" Tom asked as they walked along the dark corridor, looking for any stray students out of bed.

"Yes, I'm sure you are, I believe old sluggy would be disappointed to not see his favorite student there" Emma said as she chuckled softly

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, I'm sure you are probably going to bring Aaron" Tom forced himself to say

"No actually, I'm sure you remember what happened last year, Slughorn still can't look at him in the eye, I believe he is still afraid of him, I'm going with Ares" Emma told them as they rounded the corner

Tom nodded but stood silent, He knew Lovegood and Emma were friends and he was sure they were nothing more, at the end of their patrols, Emma and Tom bid goodnight as Tom calls for Nott.

|  |

Nott stood in the Room of Requirement waiting for his lord, he knew what he was called for.

The door opened revealing Tom, he was calm and collected, he didn't look angry for once.

"Nott, I'm sure you know why I ordered you to be here at this hour" Tom said as he faced towards him, as he leaned on the desk behind him

Nott stood up from his chair, and nodded towards his Lord.

Nott gulped nervously as he nodded "Yes, my Lord, when do you wish to see my task completed"

"During Slughorn's party, you'll have to create an alibi for yourself, I have mine as we don't want the anyone to think the Head Boy has anything to do with this, though I'm sure Dumbledore would be the first to look towards me, as everyone seems to see my advancements towards Emma" Tom told him

"Very well my lord, you won't be disappointed" Nott said confidently as Tom narrowed his eyes at him and he lifted himself of the desk to face Nott more clearly

"Aaron Weasley must NOT attend the Yule Ball, so make sure whatever you do to him lasts...for a very longtime, can't have him ruin plans now can I?" Tom warned as his eyes flashed crimson

Nott his the urge to flinch "Of course my lord, whatever you command, I complete."

Tom nodded satisfied "Very well, you may go, don't make me sorry Nott, I would really hate to see you go" he warned without a drop of remorse.

Nott took that as his leave, as he left behind the large door and Tom smirked to himself as his plan was finally falling into place.

★ ☆

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