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The alarms just kept ringing and ringing but I did nothing to stop it, does that make me a bad person, am I just as guilty as Tom is, I wasn't sure but all I knew was to stay quiet and I did perhaps that was a mistake.


Tom Riddle and Emma Swan have been dating in secret, they kept their relationship quiet. They didn't hold hands in public, didn't kiss in public. They acted like how they did before, they didn't even speak or sneak glances at each other.

But in private is where they acted like a true couple, after classes Emma would tell her friends she was going to the library but instead she was actually going to the Head Common Room where her and Tom would speak all evening long, do homework together, study and read. Tom particularly liked it when they both sat on the sofa while she read out and he would causally run his fingers through her hair.

Tom wasn't sure what he should do, but every time he looked at Emma, watching her breathe softly in her sleep by accident in the common room, the way her nose will crinkle when she wasn't fond with something, the way she will smile at him, the way she would laugh. It made him feel possessive, but he had mistaken it for love

He was sure that he was experiencing love, something he thought he would never experience. He was afraid, he didn't want anyone thinking of him weak. Love was a weakness. Perhaps he needed to make a new horcrux in order to get rid of his humanity for good.

The knock on his bedroom door startled him from his thoughts, he collected himself quickly and nodded at his reflection before he opened the door, revealing the blonde beauty he thought was coming to love.

"Ready?" Emma asked excitedly, today was the first time in three months Emma and Tom would come out as a couple. They were heading to Hogsmeade where they will meet Abraxas and Sophia the newly engaged couple for Butterbeer and pie. Once Ares and Nancy heard about the little date they decided to crash it and see it for themselves rather than peek through the windows to spy on them.

Her hair was escaping from the knot at the back of her head, her brown eyes bore into him, she was wearing that light blue muggle style dress he liked so much.

"Yes definitely, because I'm so desperately need to go to Hogmeade to charm your friends" He said his voice hinted with sarcasm

Her brown eyes rolled as she began walking towards the portrait door.

"Well I put you up to speed on what exactly my friends like which would make it easier to start up conversation" Emma grinned

"Which is pretty much Quidditch and I hate Quidditch" Tom complained

"Neither do I but your going to have to like it, it wasn't easy trying to get them to come you know" Emma argued as they exited through the door. Emma was doing her very best to get on the Weasley's good side once again, Cheryl was warming up to her. Aaron still had his doubts but he wanted to see it for himself which is why he agreed to meet them in Three Broomsticks.

"I'm sure it was darling, but like I told you before, your friends clearly don't want to see you happy, you are happy with me, and if they can't see that, then why should I spend time trying to get them to like me when deep down they never would" Tom told her, he intertwined his fingers with her's as he guided them out of the castle

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now