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You were always my very special little girl and now I want you to use your gifts to the best of your ability because it may save all of us

It had been a few days since Eleanor's horrid nightmare of someone she called "the tall man" Emma had no idea of what it meant but she could vividly remember her mother was the same way. She could still hear the woman's whimpers in her sleep sometimes.

Emma wasn't sure what was going on and neither could Eleanor. The poor girl couldn't sleep properly since. So emma did what any mother would do if her magical child was experiencing nightmares. Grandmum Eleanor Clarke-Bèranger knew exactly what to do in these situations, as she was gifted as well.

It was bright early hours of the morning but when Grandmum Eleanor heard the news of her great daughter dreams, she say in her nightgown, her white hair set in finger waves, from afar she looked like a apparition as she gazed at her teacup that was now cold as she watched her spoon stir clinking with the glass.

Emma and Eleanor walked into the house through the fireplace in the ballroom. You could hear the clack of Emma's heels hitting the floorboards as it echoed bouncing on the walls. Eleanor watched as the small diamonds shook a bit, as they moved across the room.

The double doors opened themselves and walked through the hall to find Grandmother.

Eleanor spotted her first as she ran over to her great grandmum. "Hello Ellie" she said as she took her into her arms wrapping her into a hug.

Emma sat down next to her grandmother "Emma dear how are you?" as the old woman placed a hand on her granddaughters shoulder.

"I'm alright" she stated and turned to her daughter, "Eleanor why don't you go outside for a bit, while I speak to Grandmum"

Eleanor nodded standing up and patten g down her dress and tightening her coat to stay warm in the cold weather that seemed to be quite harsh on England the past few months.

The two woman waited till they heard the porch door open and close shut.

"Well I'm sure you read my letter, I know mum had some sort of the same situation" Emma said

Grandmum Eleanor stood and beckoned her granddaughter to follow, "Not many know of this secret, it is something us Bèranger woman keep close and private, because our power is not to be messed with and if the wrong people get their hands on it, well it won't be good"

"Power? what do you mean" Emma said as she followed the woman down the grand hallways

"Bèranger woman are seer's my dear. We have foresight, we are able to see into our future. It gives us a hint of what is to come and maybe we can prevent it from happening. But other than that exactly we each have a individual power" Grandmum Eleanor said as she opened the door of her library.

Emma watched as she took out a key from her robe pocket, opening the door to a locked case. She took out a large and heavy book, "this book contains what every Bèranger woman had, for example I am able to feel empathy, even your cousin Josephine who works for MACUSA who is soon to marry that Scamander boy has the gift of healing"

"How come I never experienced any of this, I mean once I had a dream or maybe its a memory that I saw Tom and I back at Hogwarts and he was hurting me"

Eleanor pat her granddaughter's shoulder "The Bèrnager seer gene skips sometimes, it skipped you. What you saw was memory and Eleanor was in the womb at the time correct?"

Emma nodded "That same day I went to the St.Mungo's because I got terribly sick and found out I was pregnant" Emma paused "Your telling me that Ellie's powers were so strong that she was able to communicate with me before she was even the size of an pea"

Eleanor nodded in agreement "Yes, but Eleanor won't be at her strongest till after her sixteenth birthday she won't know her individual power till after her sixteenth birthday and it could be literally anything"

Emma was flipping through the pages of the book reading the names of woman in her family and seeing what their powers consisted of. She stopped at her mother's page, the power of intuition.

"I know I should've told you this at your wedding day but when I met Tom, I felt nothing. It was like seeing the perfect red apple out of the bunch out on the stand but when you bite into it, its rotten" Eleanor said

Emma looked to her grandmother "I know" she said quietly, Eleanor was about to speak when the library door spring open revealing an excited child.

"Look mum, its a lily covered in frost, isn't it pretty" Eleanor stated as she held the flower with delicacy.

"Absolutely beautiful" Grandmum stood up as she stood next to the child "Come I have fresh baked biscuits waiting in the pantry that Twinkle made"

Emma watched as the two left the room and stared at the history book in front of her, it was like everyone was ten steps ahead of her. Something new overtime, and Emma already knew this was another thing she was going to have to keep Tom very far away from that he could never find out.

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