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I just needed to put it all behind me, I needed to be strong, I couldn't think about the consequences anymore, I loved him, and I knew he loved me too, even if it was hard for him to admit at the time. Just remember to have courage, don't be afraid.

The three Ravenclaws and one red headed Gryffindor were all giggling, talking the latest gossip as they opened up their parcel's from Sophia's mother who sent them all dresses for the ball tonight.

Sophia was currently putting Cheryl's hair in an elegant twist in very intricate way that Emma would have never been able to do. Nancy was currently taking out most of Sophia's beauty potions out of her purse.

"Oh dear Rowena, how many potions do you have Sophia?" Nancy said as she felt she was pulling out of the never ending pile

"A witch could never have enough, my mother sends them and I put them to good use" Sophia said as she does another braid into Cheryl's hair "Ow" Cheryl yelps as she grasps her head in pain.

"Stay still or I wouldn't have to be yanking your head" Sophia snapped as Cheryl growled at her in the mirror crossing her arms and legs as if she were a child.

"So Em, since Aaron can't attend the ball tonight, who are you going with?" Sophia asked

Emma turned away from eyeing her dress "Oh I asked Abraxas, we've been really close lately, more than usual." Emma said

Sophia gasped dramatically dropping the hairbrush to the ground, Cheryl turned in her seat as her mouth dropped open, and Nancy shook her head multiple times .

"Oh he's so cute, your such a lucky witch!" Sophia shouted.

Emma laughed "Well, I'll put a good word in for you"

"Oh I love you" said Sophia excitedly

Emma hadn't yet open up her dress package, she was sure it would be beautiful seeing the other girl's dresses.

It was a voluminous beautiful blue and white dress, it exposed her shoulders to the top of her chest, her arms bare, the dress was puffed up at the bottom creating a blue light wash, it showed off her long legs.

The other three girls huddled around the box as Emma untied the ribbon and cover revealing

They all gasped in astonishment "Emma its beautiful" Nancy said as she touched the fabric softly.

"Oh I know exactly what I'm going to do with you" Sophia said as she pulled Emma to the chair as she grabbed many of her beauty potions from the pile and into her hands as the girls got ready frantically for the ball.
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Tom brought a hand through his wavy dark hair as he waited for no one, he didn't ask anyone to be his date. He wanted to show Emma he was serious about her.

His dark robes looked straight, no wrinkles in sight, he had a smile to his face, showing the other students and professors his fake kindness. Abraxas waited next to Tom, his dark suit contrasting against his ice white hair

That's when Tom saw the white-blue dress coming down the steps, her blonde hair in loose wave-like curls the front tied back loosely, she was no doubt the most beautiful witch there.

Emma was nervous of course, she felt like she couldn't breathe in her dress as it magically sewed to her body, but with magic she felt comfortable, she couldn't help but feel the heat creep upon her neck, she felt everyone's eyes on her as she walked down the steps careful to not miss one and break an ankle.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now