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The worst feeling is pretending you don't care about someone when really its all you can think about, its probably the thing I hate the most about what I've done, it could have stopped all hurt I've caused.

Three Ravenclaw girls awoke in their dorm the following morning, they couldn't help but hear the squeals and cheers from the far side of the room.

"What is honestly making you all squeal at the top of your lungs?" Nancy asked annoyed that they woken her from her slumber.

A red headed Ravenclaw stopped chatting with her friends "didn't you hear? They announced the Yule Ball this morning!" She said

Sophia jumped out of bed "Thank Merlin, I have a new dress that I have been dying to wear, I was getting anxious that we weren't going to have one this year"

Emma groaned, she hated dances. She only went because of her friends and because Aaron would ask her to go.

Nancy and Emma shared a look, this was going to be a topic of conversation from Sophia until the Yule Ball a day before they leave for Christmas.

"oh we definitely need to go shopping, Em when is the next Hogsmeade trip?" Sophia asked as she neared her dresser brushing out her long blonde hair.

Emma yawned before answering "I believe a week before break"

Sophia gasped "that bit enough time, I must owl my mother on getting us three dresses made in Paris." Sophia said rushing into her bag grabbing a sheet of parchment and a quill. She popped open her purple ink bottle and dipped it in.

She was scribbling quickly as she wrote and extensive letter to her mother.

"Okay done, my mother will make sure we look the very best" Sophia smiled as she folded the letter and placed it in a bag envelope to take the owlery later in today.

Emma groaned flipping herself over with a pillow over head wanting this December month go a lot quicker than usual.

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Cheryl Weasley sat at the library at a table near the back so no one could hear her best friend Emma ramble on and on

"I just don't understand, I mean Tom and I are just friends and everyone thinks otherwise, I mean Ares, Nancy, Sophia and even Dumbledore have been telling me to be careful. I get it that Tom is very unpredictable but seriously I am deeply in love with Aaron and I don't understand why everyone can't see that, Aaron has never questioned my love before, why now?" Emma said as she paced back in forth

"Look Em, I'm just as confused you are, I'm totally on your side with this, Aaron is being ridiculous. Everyone in the school knows that you and Riddle don't get along. It's just a new thing for everyone to see something that we never expected" Cheryl said

Emma stopped in her tracks and sat down in her chair and huffed "Well its new to me too, seven years of torment is just going to go down the drain and be forgotten about but I'm giving him a chance. Honestly can't us girls have friends that are guys without saying that they secretly like each other " Emma told her as she looked towards her best friend.

Cheryl sighed and brought a hand through her hair "Well that's not going to happen anytime soon, and I'm saying that for all the girls in the future" Said Cheryl

Emma grabbed her bag strap and threw it over her shoulder, "I'm going to find Aaron, wish me luck" Emma said before she left the library

"Good luck" Cheryl said as she thought about the mess her best friend is in.

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Emma placed her coat over her shoulders as she neared the Quidditch Pitch where some of the Gryffindor players were having a scrimmage match.

Aaron was floating above her as he guarded the three hoops, he hasn't spoken to Emma in a few days after seeing that scene in the Hall with Emma and Tom.

Aaron looked across the field to see the girl he loved so dearly for so long waving towards him, "TIMEOUT" Aaron yelled as he flew down to the ground and took off his helmet ruffling out his hair

"Hey" Emma said cheerily as she grabbed his gloved hand, "what are you doing here?"

"Can we talk please" Emma asked with a hopeful look to her face that Aaron nodded in agreement and taking them a few feet away from the rest of his teammates.

"Look, I know how difficult things may be for you right now, and everything that everyone has been saying about Tom and I, none of it is true okay, we are only friends and nothing more. I've never liked him in that way, we are only trying to get along because we have to for the younger students." Emma began

"I have no interest in Tom. I never have, and I never will. People seem to forget that Tom and I had a very horrible history, used to torment each other... well him more than me, but we both seen passed that but the memories haven't been forgotten. I forgave Tom and he forgave me and just because I happened to speak to another guy that isn't you or Ares doesn't mean i'm flirting" Emma explained

"Why is it such a problem for you that I speak to Tom anyway?" Emma asked

"Because I'm in love with you Em have been since we were kids" Emma smiled "I love you too"
Aaron put his finger up as a signal to not interrupt and he continued "Tom is smart, he reaches your intelligence, he has all the girls attention, he has the looks, the praise, guys like Tom always come first, guys like me come second, third, fourth, fifth and even further. Your smart like him, have all the boys bend towards you, your beautiful, So yes I am a bit insecure "

Emma reached up to him wrapping her arms around him "You shouldn't, I chose you for reason, I don't care if your not smart enough, or have all the girls or anything like that, I like you, not Tom"

Aaron bent his head down slightly, their lips brushing, She felt him raise his hands to twine in her hair. Warmth pooled to her abdomen that made her feel unsteady and dazed, that made him grasp her tighter as he applied more pressure to her lips.

He depend the kiss by bringing her closer, as Emma grasped his hair, she has never felt this strange aching warmth and she wanted it.

They were both brought back to reality as they gasped for air, Emma chuckled slightly as Aaron looked down the ground embarrassed by his actions

"Do you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?" Aaron asked her

"Thought you'll never ask" Emma stated as she wrapped her arms around his neck boldly and kissed his lips lightly

"I'll see you later" Emma mumbled as she walked away towards the castle steps

Little did they both know someone was standing in the shadows watching everything, fury burned behind his eyes, dangerously he sauntered back towards the castle, Aaron Weasley needed to be taught a lesson, and he won't even know what hit him.

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