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I miss my old home, I miss the flowers, my miss my front porch, my miss all the things that came with the old Swan Manor, I was always at my happiest then, You could smell the tea and cookies from the kitchen, you could hear the cauldrons bubbling with the potions my father brew, I could still hear my mother  singing loudly to the record player. I missed being home.

The first day of the Christmas Break was only a few hours away, all Emma had to worry about was getting through a few classes and she will be back at Swan Manor with her father and her beloved cat, Moon.

Emma entered the potion's room, a few students already setting up their workplace, Emma did the same by placing her textbook, a fresh piece of parchment, her feathered quill and ink pot.

Emma felt her head kept turning towards the door as Tom was almost late to class, she saw him at breakfast, so why wasn't he here yet? she thought.

Tom had finally come in before Slughorn did, he spotted Emma and he dumped his bag next to the desk across from her

"I got the letter from your father this morning, he invited me to stay for Christmas but I had already agreed to stay with the Malfoy's, but I'll be at the Swan Manor on the twenty-fourth " Tom said with a wicked grin as he grabbed his stool and sat next her

"Okay, I actually don't have plans that day. I was thinking I should see my grandmother in Paris but I guess it would be rude to leave you with my father, and he get's quite excited when it comes to his potions" Emma told him with amusement written on her face.

"Very well, I'll see you then"

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DECEMBER 23rd, 1944

Emma stepped off the Hogwarts Express, Moon beside her in his cage.

She smiled at the sight of her father as he smiled back at her "I just saw you not too long ago and you still amaze me at how much your growing up" he said

"Oh hush, lets start going before the exit gets packed" as she looped her arm around her father's as he took hold of her luggage.

They exited through the platform 9 3/4 running straight through the brick wall, Emma always felt a rush when she walked though.

As soon as they exited the crowded station of King's Cross "Full of muggles this time of year" Carlisle said and Emma nodded in agreement, she watched as family members smiled at their friends and family getting off their trains.

Shortly they exited to the cold cobblestone street, and to a hidden alleyway to apparate to their home in Wiltshire.

Their figures disappeared in thin air and with a loud crack they appeared in front of the gate of Swan Manor, with a wave of Carlisle wand the gate opened, he let Emma walk in first.

Emma ventured up the steps to the Victorian styled house. The Swan Manor wasn't dark and dreary like the Malfoy Manor, it was light gray color, large windows with blue shutters that weren't shielded

Emma could smell the freshly cut grass and she loved it. They hadn't had their first snowfall yet, but with the chill in the air, Emma felt it coming.

Carlisle waved his wand towards the gate closing it with protective magic as no one was to be trusted these days.

"Oh it feels so good to be back home again" Emma told her father as she pushed open the door.

Rather than the normalcy look of Pureblood manors, it was quite lively inside, the living room stood in the corner, bookshelves and pictures stood among the walls in the singular bookcase

A coffee table that was toppled over in books and parchment, it smelled of fresh books and ink. A Christmas Tree stood bare, the christmas decorations in boxes as Emma always decorated it when she got home.

The Kitchen was large, as two house elves rushed to their young mistress side "Oh Mistress Emma, Kooks and Sunny has missed young Emma, would young mistress like some tea and biscuits after her long trip"

"Oh I missed you too, and yes please and take it to the library" Emma smiled at the two elves

"Yes, Mistress, Kooks will brings the tea and biscuits to the library for you"

Emma smiled as the two elves left with a pop, and Carlisle followed her to library.

Emma opened the wooden doors, and she saw the large bookcases reaching the ceiling with books on various topics ranging from potions to muggle studies

"Oh I missed this so much" Emma said as she sat in the old worn couch that stood in the middle of the room, her tea and cookies already sitting on the table.

"How was your train ride?" Carlisle asked as he poured her a cup, pouring a dash of milk and two sugars.

"Quite well, sat with Cheryl and Aaron" Emma said as she took a sip of her tea and sat it on her lap

"Oh how is Aaron?,I heard what happened to him, wrote to his mother a few days ago sending my get wells" Carlisle asked

"He's okay, he's glad it didn't do any permanent damage, he plans to win the Quidditch cup this year"

Carlisle had a frown on his face "Poor boy, I'm glad he's alright, does he know who attacked him?"

Emma shook her head "No, but he is really trying to remember"

"I invited your friend Tom tomorrow, so it looks like you be setting up an extra plate for him for Christmas Eve dinner" Carlisle said as he took a cookie off of her plate

"Yes he told me yesterday, and that's fine. I like to cook" Emma told him

Carlisle took a bite of the treat "Are you two close? I saw you leave with him"

Emma shook her head "We are sort of friends, that's all"

Carlisle laughed "Really I saw the way he was looking at you at Slughorn's party, he like's you Em."

Emma scoffed "I am not about to have a conversation with you about boys"

"I like that bloke Tom, I saw his marks, top of the class, Slughorn tried to bribe me to give him an apprenticeship, he seems to be really fond of the boy"Carlisle told her

"Really an apprenticeship? well Tom is going to be a very lucky boy when he hears the news, just hope he says yes"

"Fingers crossed, I could use some help down at the lab in the summer, but don't tell him before I do" Carlisle wanted pointing a finger at her

"I won't, thanks dad, I'm sure Tom will be really excited when he hears the news" Emma smiled happily as he father stood up from the worn old leather couch

"Good, I'll see you later for dinner, and please try to not spend your entire holiday in here, again" Carlisle said and Emma rolled her eyes playfully

"I won't" her voice sang as he kissed the top of her head, and exited the vast library. Emma grabbed the first book she saw on the coffee table and began to read.

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