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It was like a drug, I almost couldn't contain myself. It was like fire erupting in my bones and I couldn't breathe, move or even think, suddenly every single thought was of him. He was magnetic, electric... I was almost vulnerable, it was like he stole everything away from me and I was okay with that.

Nott was sweating with anxiety when he came back from Room of Requirement, it was late at night and no one was patrolling this floor so it was easy for him to get out and get back into the Slytherin Common Room.

He instantly went to the boy's dorms, he was lucky that some of them were awake most likely doing some late night reading, studying or homework that was due the next day.

"We got a problem, get everyone downstairs" Nott only said before rushing out of the room only to start pacing in front of the green fire thinking to himself nervously.

Eventually everyone came down ready to hear Nott's news. Abraxas waved his wand casting a muffalito charm around the area.

"What's going on Nott?" Lestrange asked

Nott stopped his pacing and stopped to turn and face his mates "Its Tom he want's the act to be done at Slughorn's party"

Avery stood up from the sofa "What? that's like two days away, it's like he wants us to get caught"

"How are we going to come up with alibi's and plan for this to happen without this getting back to us?" Rosier asked

"Not sure, but we have to come up with a plan now. So don't think we are actually getting any sleep tonight" Abraxas said as he finally sat down running his hands through his hair tiredly.

Nott sat down on the floor thinking, they all did. Trying to come up with plan that wouldn't fail.

"Okay lets start with the basics, we were all invited to Slughorn's party, right?" Black asked

They all nodded in confirmation "Okay so that's our alibi, we make ourselves known, we talk to politicians, Slughorn, other student's. But how we are going to get Nott out of the room without being noticed is the hard part" he said

"Maybe we should get a younger student to pose as Nott" said Lestrange

"How are we supposed to do that?" Avery asked

Lestrange leaned back into his seat "Polyjuice potion its the only way"

Abraxas looked at Lestrange as if he grown two heads "Polyjuice take a month to brew, that won't be possible"

"Okay who says Slughorn doesn't have in his stores, the man is prepared for anything. I could steal it tomorrow he won't even notice. But knowing Dippet and Dumbledore they will check into everything so we have to find a already brewed polyjuice to replace it" Lestrange said

"I believe one of Slughorn's N.E.W.Ts classes are learning it, I could ask Emma" Abraxas said

Not was only listening to his friend's suggestions as the plan became more and more solidified. They decided that Abraxas was going to ask Emma what they were learning in N.E.W.Ts class and maybe even ask for a sample, Lestrange was going to steal the Polyjuice tomorrow night during his prefect patrols. Avery and Black were in charge of getting a random younger student, imperio them and Rosier to obliviate the student that will pose as Nott when the task is done because he is the best at conjuring the spell.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now