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I was tired of playing the hating game, I tried to be nice, but he only gave me the cold shoulder, we were enemies since the beginning and we were enemies when it ended. It wasn't until I was too late that love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend, to your best friend, to become your husband. It changed my life drastically, didn't know where to start, or where to end it. I fooled myself and it was devastating and dangerous game to play and all I knew was that I needed to win.

Smelling the aroma of a English Roast and her favorite cheery pie, it instantly brought up her mood, she smiled as a Hufflepuff sixth year held the Sorting hat away from the Great Hall and into Headmaster Dippet office.

Emma and Aaron said their goodbyes as they ventured off into their own tables. Emma was glad that her friend's saved her a seat "Sorry I'm late" she muttered as she slid into a seat next to Ares Lovegood.

"Hey, we were wondering where you've been didn't see you on the train" Nancy said as she lifted her eyes off her book and sat to down beside her

"That's because I had Head Girl duties to attend to, and I sort of fell asleep on the train ride here" Emma said as she grabbed a bread roll from the whiskered basket, Emma noted that they were still warm as if they just came out of the oven.

"Congratulations on making Head Girl Emmy, though I wish I was Head boy" Ares said as he picked at his vegetables

"I already found out who it is, before we even got on the train heard a pair of Slytherin girl's talking about it in King's Cross, wasn't surprised when I heard it" Sophia said she put down her fork softly. They each all looked towards the Slytherin table, seeing the dark hair of Tom Riddle.

Each of Emma's Ravenclaw friend's were different, Ares was the athlete in their group he played chaser for the Ravenclaw team, and just like a true Ravenclaw he had top grades but it didn't seem to match Tom Riddle's

Sophia was the social butterfly, she knew everything about everyone. Though she fit the stereotype for the air head blonde she was a lot more than that and thrived on it.

Nancy was the bossy, bookworm. You will never see the girl without her book in her hand, but whenever Sophia could she would make the girl stop reading for once and make her relive the outside world.

Emma was the complete opposite of all her friends, she wasn't an athlete. She didn't like Quidditch at all. She wasn't sociable, she was pretty much the opposite and nor was she bossy. She called herself the black sheep of her family.

The Swan family came from a long line of Slytherin's, she is the first in her family to break it. Her father wasn't angered at the fact he was sort of proud, Carlisle Swan knew since the moment she was born she wouldn't be a cunning Slytherin. Emma was kind hearted and shy, she wasn't successful like her father and extremely beautiful like her late mother. She was the opposite and she was okay with that.

"Why am I not surprised, I honestly think Dippet did that on purpose, he adores Riddle ever since he found out who killed Myrtle in that bathroom" Ares argued as he dropped his fork on his plate making a harsh clanking sound

Emma patted his arm comfortably "We all know that Dumbledore doesn't take a liking to Riddle, I'm sure he fought for you to be Head Boy" Nancy said

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