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They were all lies, all of them, he didn't keep a single one. It was always too good to be true. The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth. One thing I learned from all of this is that you can't stop a person from doing what they want to do. They'll start lying to you to continue doing it.

The harmonious voices of young children and adults swarmed around Diagon Alley echoing in the background as many people watched and listened, or went on with their late Christmas shopping.

To Tom, it felt like he walked into church, hearing the choir as the old organ created something so hauntingly beautiful and going to church was something he hasn't done since he left the Orphanage when Mrs. Cole would force them to say their prayers at every meal, and every single night before bed.

He snarled in disgust as he went into the deep dark depths of Knockturn Alley, the singers voices quieting down slowly as he ventured down the twisting alley ways. The wind came around him tightly and Tom brought his hands into his jacket pockets, hugging his coat tighter around him to brace the cold.

The snow crunched beneath his feet were creating footsteps showing his movement, Tom whispered a spell under his breath and all his footsteps that were trailing behind him to Borgin and Burke's disappeared without a trace.

Tom opened the heavy door, as he breathed in the warm air into his hands, he stomped his feet at the doorstep to get rid of the snow following him.

An older man stood at the front desk, he gave Tom a wicked smile, his teeth were rotting and yellowing as he smoked way too much tobacco in his spare time, his back hunched over most likely due to being hunched over a desk, and his walk resembled much like a penguin which he must have gotten with age "you must be Tom Riddle picking up a package for Noel Avery?" Borgin asked as he rounded around the desk to shake Tom's hand

"Yes, I am" Tom said as he hid wiping his hand on his cloak hiding the disgust of the old man, Tom had Avery search for this necklace for months and he had finally found it, it wasn't the true Slytherin Locket but a replica, one he would need into completing his Horcruxes.

Borgin went towards the back grabbing the parcel and handing it to Tom "Is it going to be some sort of Christmas present?" Borgin asked as his eyes narrowed trying to decipher Tom.

Tom eyed the package carefully taking it into his hands "you could say that"

Borgin nodded not asking any more questions "Very well, tell Mr. Avery it was a pleasure doing business"

Tom walked away with his package not saying a word to the man, and disapparated on the spot.

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When Emma woke she found all the blinds and shutters open, bringing in the warm sunlight despite the snow that laid on the ground and the cold air. The sunlight shown through the windows casting shadows on the walls of Emma's figure.

The walk to the dining room was a long one passing the gray walls, and paintings that her father spent a fortune on, no doubt

The dark colored wooden doors opened for her automatically, already seeing her father stuffing his face with the different assortments of food ranging from scones to an full on English Breakfast that Sunny and Kooks had set up earlier.

Moon, sat underneath the table, his head held up high, with a hopeful look as he waited for his owner to drop any food.

"Merry Christmas Eve" Emma said aloud and her father smiled lifting his eyes up from his morning paper "Happy Christmas Eve Emmy" a cheerful look to his face at being able to see his daughter a face he missed dearly as she been at school.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄; 𝒕𝒐𝒎 𝒓𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒍𝒆Where stories live. Discover now