As darkness clawed,
Unbearable pain
At her insides gnawed.
Existence she was told,
Had the tendency
To be terribly flawed.
Life's erratic bends,
Often made her wonder if her peace
Was a road that only ends?
The merriment gestured
A new year's dawn,
Looking around she was jestered.
Existence was flawed
And Life had deflections,
Fugacity of problems made her feel closer to God.
Restoration of unwavering trust
Led to something monumental,
The darkness was bathed in pure gust .
With renewed hope she now perceived
Light shining down at her,
Telling her to stop being grieved.
Breathing in she then discerned,
Anticipation was beautiful
Even though a little bit spurned.

PoetryHighest Ranking in Poetry: #7 "The elegy of silence, The wailing of fate, The panache of death, The din of rage. Will quieten itself, Soon enough, someday."